Hell week continued

Saturday was Adoption day where we had a lot of people stop by but sadly no adoptions.  The rest of Saturday was cramming for exams as well as Sunday.

Monday was our Physio exam and I am very glad it's over, so now I can start worrying about Immuno.  Power went out in Immuno today and so did the power points (run on battery when power goes out), but our teacher just kept on teaching....only in St Kitts.  There was also a AAHA meeting at lunch that I went to in order to try to win some free books....no such luck however.  It was also much cooler today!  Actually felt like fall weather...it was also overcast, so I'm sure that had something to do with it.  Let's keep the cooler weather though!
On Tuesday, we had a feeling it was going to be a bad morning because our Physio exam didn't go as well as everyone hoped.  Our teacher gets into class and tells us that our average the lowest he has seen in 21 years of teaching.  He usually curves at the end of the semester, but because our average was so low, he wasn't sure he wanted to anymore.  He then says that because we now have had time to review our notes and discuss the exam with our classmates, we are going to retake the exact same exam that morning to see if the average if better.  If the average is better then he might consider curving the grades at the end.  Needless to say, our hell week just got worse by adding another exam and now I have to worry about my grade.  Needless to say, Tuesday was the longest and most challenging day I've had in vet school yet.
We had our Immuno exam (How we all felt) on Wednesday and hell week was officially over! A large group of us went to Fat Tuesdays after class to celebrate.   A few of us then went to see Pitch Perfect that night and I think I now have a new favorite movie.  Loved it!  Here's a preview in case you haven't seen it yet. Pitch Perfect   It was nice being all to get some sleep without feeling stressed out. 
Thursday we had a long break from 10-1pm, so I went to the gym and caught up on my shows.  That night I helped set up for the 80s party that my semester is throwing tomorrow.
Friday look what happened at lunch:  Flash mob
Blue semester (my semester, so yes including me) put on a flash mob at lunch!  (That's why I couldn't post this until later).  It was so much fun!  We had practice on Thursday night and it was a way to promote the 80s party tonight!
The rest of the weekend I will be relaxing hopefully on the beach and getting ready for the family to come Wednesday!  Can't wait!

Just to prove I'm a nerd

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