
This weekend was just spent studying and cleaning for the parents :)

Amber's birthday dinner

Monday: I cleaned the aviary and gave the lecture that morning.  There was a VBMA lecture from 5-7pm that evening with food provided.
Tuesday: Our schedule continues to be crazy with Clinpath from 9-11am.  I helped work the AAV wing bake sale at lunch.
Wednesday:  I had a meeting about putting together a poster board for the research symposium in January.   We are officially done with Pharm today, which worked out well, because I was able to pick up my family from the airport. Rituals sushi that night...even though in the back of my mind I was thinking about the seafood hygiene lecture we just had....
Thursday: We had Clinpath again from 9-11am, followed by MOD.  I then took the family to Mrs. Moore's for lunch for some yummy Johnny cakes.  We then went to Ottley's for Thanksgiving dinner and to see the Hunger Games.
Friday: I had class until 2pm and then I took everyone out to volleyball and Lobsterfest. Yum!

THIS WEEK I AM THANKFUL FOR: My mental and emotional strength.  Being in school here tests everything about yourself that you thought you knew.  Having that strength has helped me not completely break, but learn and grow from the experiences.  I never thought I would question so much about myself than I have here and I am thankful that I am still am to push myself and rise above.

This weekend, we are taking a daytrip to Nevis and then Marriott brunch on Sunday morning.  After I drop my family off at the airport, I had to cram for my path lab final on Monday.

Less Than One Month Left

This past weekend was time to relax!  There was Bingo night on Friday night where I won 50% off of Domino's, which I'm sure I will sure over finals, and Saturday was much needed the catamaran trip.

Monday: Our schedule is going to be pretty crazy and switched around the next two weeks as everyone scrambles to get everything in before finals.  We had a Path quiz today, but it was attendance based, so as long as you signed in, you got the points.  We also had three hours of pharm today in order to have a week off the week before finals.  I sent numerous emails to various people in the hopes that I can still get some help with my pharm extra credit.  There are so many amazing belly dance events going on next year that I keep hearing about and I'm so jealous that I can't be a part of them!  I am still seriously considering teaching next semester.  I've had some many people ask about it, so stay tuned for details once I figure out my schedule.
Tuesday: We had our Path/Epi exam review that morning and then there was a lunch meeting about the new portal system for the school.  I had a tutor that night, of course, followed by more studying.  It's basically crunch time for studying now.  I printed most of my study guides and I'm ready to start on finals.....this semester cannot end fast enough.
Wednesday: We had an extra pharm session again, an MOD exam review, and I then went to the Josh Project dinner that night.
Thursday: In the morning, I helped with the avian video filming, so next semester the 4th semester students can just watch the video and know how to clean the aviary, and make the aviary manager's job easier.  It was actually pretty entertaining and I can't wait to see the end result.  It was Amber's birthday dinner at Chinchilla's that night.
Friday: I have EVS where we have to watch an avian husbandry video on campus followed by lots of studying all night....yeah for finals.....

THIS WEEK I AM THANKFUL FOR: My health and well-being: strong body and a clear mind.  

This weekend, as much as I would love to go to the beach, I will studying and preparing for my parents to come!

Last Progress Exam!

 This weekend, we had one puppy get adopted, the Hokies are going onto the ACC championship, and lots of studying!

On Monday, there was a lunch meeting for VBMA certification.  We have gotten a lot of hours this semester! I'm excited to hopefully finish this certificate before graduating!
According to my horoscope, Tuesday was my lucky day and apparentely this time it was right!  I won a scholarship to the SAVMA synposium in Colorado in March!  (This is the same conference I went to this past March at LSU).   I'm incredibly excited because they have some amazing wet labs I would love to do!  The kittens and mom all had their recheck today, so they are ready to be weaned and go to a new foster home!
Mom kitty (Pomergranate) went to her new foster home on Wednesday, as well as two of the kittens.
On Thursday, another kitten went to her foster home, there was a VBMA lunch and dinner meeting, but I couldn't do to the dinner because I needed to study!
Finally Friday!  We had our Path/Epi block, which is our last set of exams until finals!  I also had EVS, where we dd halter ties, a skin scrap, and a phlebotomy (doctor word for drawing blood).  It was then time for a much needed nap, relaxation, and fun!

THIS WEEK I AM THANKFUL FOR:  The opportunity to live out my dream career.  I have worked incredibly hard to get to where I am and I know it will all be worth it in the end.  I couldn't feel more blessed.

On Saturday, there is a catamaran trip where I will soak up tons of sun!  I'm so pale, you would never guess I live on an island! Then, Sunday will be back to studying, but this time for finals!  Time is just flying by!

Halloween weekend

The weekend was full of lots of fun Halloween parties.  Thursday and Saturday I dressed up as a minon (from Despicable Me) and Friday night, since my other minions didn't come out, I just put on some of my belly dance outfit.  Saturday night was island idol where a group of us performed Time Warp from Rocky Horror, and we won!  Check out the video here.

Monday - On campus for nearly 12 hours....ugh

Tuesday - On campus again forever!  This semester needs to end asap....I'm exhausted

Wednesday - Just keep swimming, just keep swimming

Thursday - ClinPath Exam!

Friday -  I will be organizing for the Epi/Path miniblock in a week and maybe I will take a break to go to volleyball for a little bit.

THIS WEEK I'M THANKFUL FOR:  My friends and family who have helped support me and get me to where I am now.  I really couldn't have gotten this far without all of your kind words and love.  It has been quite the roller coaster of a journey.

Prayer of a Vet

This weekend is the last PAWS adoption day for the semester.  I'm having a hard time finding fosters for all the cats over the upcoming break, so hopefully we can get some little ones adopted out!  The VT game vs Miami is Saturday night.....let's hope we learn to play again.  Then, of course, I will be  studying the rest of the time.


Weekend - studying for MOD and played with kittens

BEST: Free food at lunch talk for VBMA gold certification.

Tuesday - MOD exam
BEST: I got to catch up on a lot that I haven't been able to do.

BEST: We got new remotes to our apartment gate, so it's finally working again!

Thursday - Happy Halloween!
BEST: Out to Shipwreck beach for a Halloween party.

Friday is November 1st!  I had no classes today, so instead of making it a beach day, I studied all day....sigh.

This weekend I will be studying for ClinPath and maybe go to some of the Halloween parties.


I have been complimented by coworkers on how I manage my work-life balance. It's extremely important in my field to understand and enfor...