
I'm still trying to develop my routine for the semester, but it's been harder then normal.
I had my surgery exam on Monday, belly dance that night, and then I went out to meet some of the people in my new semester.
I've been trying to catch a pregnant cat that comes around our apartment complex.  She's really sweet but won't let you touch her stomach and isn't thrilled when you pick her up.  I've also still be trying to fix my side mirror which hopefully will be dealt with really soon.

Apparently the gas station by my place was blasting music on Thursday night, so this was what I got to listen to all night while attempting to study:

My semester is putting on a faculty auction on Saturday, where you can bid for various activities with different professors.  For example: Dinner with Dr Illanes and Fuentealba; Paddleboarding and dinner with Dr Read and Dr Hall; Scuba and Spear fishing with Dr Little; Salsa night with Dr Ebner, Dr Koster, Dr Aruaz, Dr Knight, Dr Huck, Dr Sithole, and Dr Bolfa, Beach walk and dinner with Dr Roberson; Extreme ironing with Dr Knight; Snokeling and fishing excursion with Dr. Betance; Game night with Dr French and Patty Lebow; Wine party with Dr Pereira and Dr Scorpio.

I have a nice long weekend because I have no class Mon - Wed next week.

An insightful friend posted this the other day and I wanted to share it because I really enjoy and am inspired by his words:

"Our grand adventures, be it clean or dirty – are the ones which are derived from the constant ability to always thirst for our greater meaning. We lift ourselves up. We bring ourselves down. We face torment and ridicule. Judgment and misconception. We make mistakes, own them and wish for greater lessons. Then – we stumble across the centrifuge of notions that dignify who can be as an individual. Do we love? Do we pray? Do live? Do we think we are, but really aren’t? Do we chase? Or do we stand still and choose to turn around for another direction. Is it wrong to NOT live in reality? Or is it right to continue to stay in it and wish well for others? Along the way, something grabs us. Takes hold and if all beauty has it, will never let us go. Our most endearing pride – is our smile and our laughter. Finding a way to both. And keeping it close and warm in our longing to breathe. I smile on virtue. I laugh on life’s spontaneity. And I love a long distant road into nowhere. So I can lay down, with what means most to me. So I can do just that. CAPTURE IT ALL. I am blessed. Thankful. So much, that it almost hurts to even imagine anything else."



I didn't have class on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday this week.  Apparently Tuesday and Friday are holidays....this place and it's crazy random holidays.
I have been helping people with aspetic, as well as studying for my surgery exam on Monday.

Words will never express the depth of my sadness on Wednesday as I had to say goodbye to my best friend.  The worst part was that I couldn't be there with her to hold her.  She understands though, she knows I was there.  You don't ever truly understand the impact that a pet can have on your life until they've spent their entire life by your side, relying on you, and wanting nothing back but unconditional love (and that handful of popcorn).  The house will no longer be the same without her sneaking up to my room, her anxiously awaiting her turn for popcorn, her lonely barks when we left her alone, her water dish "scuba diving", and the sound of her little feet following me to the pantry in hopes of a snack.  I will miss her everyday.  I will see you again baby girl.


This week I have been preparing for belly dance class next Monday, trying to relax without the overwhelming feeling of restlessness taking over, helping friends with their semesters material, and of course studying.  I had a scuba club meeting on Wednesday.  Hopefully I can get some more dives in this semester to keep me occupied. Friday will be hard since all of the 7th find out their clinical placement. Good luck to all of you though!  Saturday is brunch and beachfest.

Try - Colbie Caillat

Laura's Visit

Yay Laura is here!
She flew in on Saturday and we went out to eat at the Marriott and then went to the beginning of the semester party at Shipwreck.

On Sunday, I took her out to Reggae for a beach day and dinner at Marriot for pizza.

Monday, we went to port, Carballe Batik and ate at Neville's.

We went around the island to Nivarva, Brimstone, and Ottley's Planation on Tuesday.  We then checked out semeseter olympics on the strip for volleyball.  It was an intense competition but black semester (6th - my new semester) came out on top, then pink (7th), then blue (1st).  The new blue definitely gave the upper semesters are a run for their money.

On Wednesday, we were tired from the night before, so we had a beach day at Shipwreck and did some snorkeling.  We dropped by field day (semester Olympics event) and black ended up winning overall.

We did some ziplining and had dinner at Shiggity Shack to see the fire man on Thursday.

Beach day on Friday, football, and the official beginning of the semester party.

Saturday was the craziness of Mr Ross and pink's very own Ross won!

Thank you so much for visiting Laura!  I hope you had as amazing of a time that I had and didn't get island fever! For anyone else wanting to visit, now is the time!  Reasons to Visit St Kitts


A nice relaxing much needed break.  I did a little bit of traveling to IL, WI, our lake house, and Charleston.  I was able to get some shopping in, favorite meals, and catch up time with some friends.

Farm anniversary:

Lake house:


Visiting with Jenna:

Sarah's shower:

I went back to the island on Thursday to prepare for my friend, Laura coming on Saturday for a week!  I have a new roommate this semester who is in first semester.  She is already settling in beautifully.

So to put any rumors to rest, I will be re-taking Small Animal Surgery this semester.  I hate that I amnotmoving on with my friends and that I will be on the island for 8 more months, but I am going to have to make the most of it. I will have more time to brush up on notes for 7th semester and better prepare for clinics.  I will also be starting up belly dance class again!


I have been complimented by coworkers on how I manage my work-life balance. It's extremely important in my field to understand and enfor...