This is pretty amazing!  Julie in my semester made up this little song to summarize how we are all feeling right now:
Sung to The Little Mermaid's "Part Of Your World"
Look at these notes
aren't they all shit?
wouldn't you think we would know all of it?
wouldn't you think we're in sixth
and sixths, they know everything?
look at this gold
examples untold
how many repeats can one exam hold?
looking around here you think
sure, they've got everything
we've got tables and test banks a-plenty
we've got brain dumps and blue's stuff galore
you want objectives?
we've got literally hundreds and hundreds.
but who cares?
no big deal
we'll still faaaiillllll
i wanna be where the sevenths are
i wanna be, wanna be there passing
heading off to those- what do you call 'em?
oh- clinics!
struggling in sixth, you don't get too far
seventh's required for spaying, soaping
hanging down at the- what's the word again?
up in that class, up where they pass,
up where next semester is our last
so close to free- wish i could be
part of seventh
what would i give if i could just skip all of these finals
what would i pay to spend a day watching netflix
betcha in blue, they are all cool
bet they don't care bout their finals
bright young doctors, sick of proctors
ready to spay
and ready to know what the clients know
ask 'em our questions and get some answers
what's your name and why are you- what's the word?
when's it our turn?
wouldn't we love, love to be in upper aud?
gimme a c
wish i could be
part of seventh

Traditional photo of stack of notes that need to be learned for finals:

Monday:  SAS 10:30-12:30pm

Tuesday: SAM 10:30-12:30pm

Wednesday: LAM 10:30-12:30pm

Flight home on Thursday
Grades out on Friday
Wish me lots of luck!

Farewell Blue

Blue's farewell:
It will be very bittersweet to see them go!  It's sad because I've grown with this group since getting here, but it will mean I am that much closer to leaving the island as well!

We had a clinical placement meeting on Monday....I really need to get past this semester!  I found out that my options are more limited than I thought.  Unfortunately, it doesn't look like NCSU will be an option for me.  I guess I will need to start thinking about where I want to go based on my options.  I had a meeting with the person in charge of placement on Wednesday, so hopefully that will help with my chances as well.

Thursday we had our VPF final.  I'm very glad to be done with that class.  It was also the 7th semester transition ceremony.  It wouldn't be true St Kitts style without the power going out halfway through the ceremony. It's going to be so weird without you guys here next semester! How am I suppose to live on this island without Jess?  She's been my support system since meeting her on the first day of orientation and I don't know this island without her.  I will miss you the most my love!

One of Jess and my first pictures:

Of course we had to recreate it:


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