Mid-semester break

So a lot went on this past weekend:  Saturday at the Marriott was my first sunburn here...ouch!  However, it was extremely relaxing to get away for the short time.  Saturday night's booze cruise was not what I was expecting....we didn't actually leave the port until an hour and a half later than we were suppose to, the drinks ran out in the first hour, the wind made the weather extremely cold (and I even planned for it to be cold and was still cold), there was a lot less food and people than was promised, the music wasn't the greatest, and well I think it might have ran a little long, because we were all very tired at the end of it.  So, unfortunately not what I was excepting.
Sunday I caught up on some sleep and slept the latest that I have slept here.  I also did some studying and cooking (my chicken was about to go bad).  Sunday night, I had another birthday dinner at Rock Lobster with some of my orientation group and had some delicious seafood that I've been missing.  We also had sangria and cake!
Monday was mid-semester break, although it doesn't really affect the vet preppers, because we usually have Mondays off.  I asked trainer Wayne to lead us on the bat cave hike, since I still hadn't been on a hike here.  It was so much fun, wasn't expecting to be so long however (5 hours), but I really didn't mind it.  There was no real paved path and several boulders you had to climb over with a rope.  Here are some pics:

I made dinner that night for Alex and me, which consisted of chicken parmigiana, pasta, garlic bread, and veggies.  I figured we deserved it after our crazy day.  I woke up Tuesday a little stiff and a bunch of scratches and bruises from the day before, but I still managed to make it to the gym even though everyone thought I was crazy.
Wednesday we had our second VOICE meeting to learn some more medical Spanish.  The rest of the week just consisted of studying.  Friday I went to the post office yet again to pick up more packages (Thank you Kristen and Alan and Laura)  I have the most amazing and supportive friends!

This weekend one of my friend's parents are coming in town and wanted to meet everyone, so I'm sure I will be at the Marriott hanging out with her.  On Saturday, a smaller group of us from the Bat Cave hike are doing the Radio Tower hike.  Apparently this one is more of a hike than rock climbing like the bat cave!

Some more vet fun:

Oh and be on the lookout for March's photo challenge!

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