
The reason I have been posting what I am currently reading is because I would like to try to do this 2017 reading list this year.  I have a very long list of books I would like to read and I thought having a challenge list makes things more interesting.
Currently reading: The Book Of Unknown Americans

The High Cost Of Becoming A Vet

No shirt, no surgical mask, no surgical gown, no surgery!
Veterinary professionals are very upset with the lack of aspetic environment on Dr. Jeff's show. I've watched his show a few times and have noticed that this is how he has done every one of his surgeries. I was surprised no one has said anything. Now with this picture arising on the internet, everyone is speaking out. No one should ever think this is the proper way to do surgery.  He must be giving these animals massive amounts of antibiotics before, during, and after surgery all so he doesn't have to completely have to wear a gown or mask.  In this picture, he's in the joint, which already in itself carries a huge harbor for infection.  That sadly isn't the only thing wrong in this picture - just to name a few: no sterile gown; no mask (this is the first thing you put on!); not proper draping for this surgery (orthopedic surgery!); no towel under the dog over the warm water mat; nothing to keep the dog warm during surgery, and this is a longer surgery; no IV fluids (again a longer surgery); no drape over the instrument tray; door is open; no proper monitoring equipment (at least not in the picture). This is grounds to be reported to the licensing board. Just so the general public knows, this isn't considered safe or professional, and hopefully your dog isn't having surgery done like this.

This past weekend, I went to a music show with my parents.  An acoustic guitar was being raffled off and considering I've been wanting to learn to play again for a long time, I figured why not. I was not at all expecting to win, but guess what!?  I'm the owner of a new Yamaha F335 acoustic guitar!

1 comment:

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