Happy Birthday to me (this past Monday)!
Thank you to everyone who went out of their way to send me their well wishes!

My parents came in for the weekend to help finish my apartment and celebrate my birthdays. Needless to say, I ate A LOT.  I received my T-Shirt blankets back and they look phenomenal! I had a Vet/island one and a VT one made. While you can never have too many VT shirts, I did want to do something with all 50ish ones I had.....

The Exotic Pet Vet Blog
This past week I have been training in the exotics department. There is an incredible amount to learn with the vast variety of species we see here; I am constantly learning something new.  In more exciting news, my lab coats as well as my Virginia license came in, so I'm official!

The apartment is just about finished! I've had a handful of people asking for pictures so here they are!
Front entrance:
Study/Second bedroom:
 Study/Second Bedroom Bathroom:
My Bedroom:
My Bathroom:
The Kitchen:
 Dining Room:
 Living Room:

Tourist vs Traveler


  1. Your apartment looks great!!! & I should probably do something similar to my shirts! Such a great idea! They are currently just chilling in by bottom drawer with an occasional wear to dance class. I am trying to learn how to quilt (I think I have to be the one to take over the quilting dynasty for the in-laws) & that would be an awesome project for me! Frank, Lee & I need to come visit you since you are closer & not moving around anymore!! Ready to hear more about exciting animals you get to work with! :D

  2. The blog and data is excellent and informative as well
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I have been complimented by coworkers on how I manage my work-life balance. It's extremely important in my field to understand and enfor...