Embarrassed for VT

This past weekend was fun and relaxing but also bittersweet since I had to say goodbye to a good friend who went back to the States.  Also, UNC beat VT......what?!?  I know I won't be hearing the end of that one....

Monday was uneventful other than the pouring rain all night long while I fell asleep studying.
Tuesday was again uneventful, full of studying, and more pouring rain.
Wednesday - IMMUNO EXAM!!  I then caught up on my TV shows and had dinner with Jess at Rituals Sushi for her birthday!!

On Thursday, I had a long break from 10 until 2pm.  I studied some and went to the gym, which was much needed since I haven't been all week. 
On Friday, I don't get a break like normal.  We have double Physio, so we had classes from 8-12pm, but then I had a tutor session from 12-1pm.  I then have to get to the airport around 1:30 for my 3:30pm flight to Chicago for Jackie and Ryan's wedding on Saturday!  I will get in around 11:30pm and get to see Brittany! Yay!
Saturday I think we are having brunch with my aunt and then Jackie and Ryan's wedding! (Pictures next week)  I will be missing the PAWS adoption day, but hopefully we will have a few cats and dogs find homes!
My flight is early on Sunday.  I have to be at the airport at 3am for my 5am flight.  The wedding ends around 1am, so I doubt I'm getting any sleep that night (Oh well!)  I get back to the island with a little bit of time to study for the Physio exam on Wednesday!  Busy weekend, but hopefully I can get some things done on the plane.

I found a Tumblr made just for Ross and St. Kitts!  Too Perfect
Life On The Rock

Too cool, we are number 4!
Best Islands In The World

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