Wildlife Safari Externship

I started my final externship this week at the Wildlife Safari in Oregon which took nearly 12 hours of traveling.
I am staying in an intern house with 10 other people most of whom are 7 years younger than me, while sharing a room with two others (so no personal space), and sleeping on a cot for the next month.
This externship so closely reminds me of Africa and it's the most I've been able to participate in an externship setting this year. This week, we already anesthetized a Sika deer for a hoof trim, wound checked a ring tailed Lemer, did bloodwork and gave fluids to a rhino, received a call about a distressed oryx who unfortunately we did a necropsy on the next day, anesthetized a cheetah that ended up having an intestinal obstruction.  I obviously cannot post any pictures of the medical procedures, but I can share some pictures from around the park.  Highlight of the week: I did the anesthesia monitoring on the cheetah, who did wake up during, and was able to to pick her up and carry her in order to weigh her. Insanity!

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