It begins

So I didn't end up playing volleyball on one of my teams on Friday, because only three of us showed up.  :/  Oh well, at least we didn't have to play another game and take away from my study time!

Monday was a busy with two Pharm lectures, the last Path lab, and my Animal Behavior final.  Two of the girls I went on my Africa trip with did a  presentation at lunch about our trip.  It was fun to relive our adventure!  If you missed the video, check it out again here.
Tuesday: Last day of classes for the semester!  Yay!  Wow, did this semester fly by!  Let's just hope it's over for good!  We had a PAWS officer meeting that evening to sum up the semester and prepare for next semester.
Wednesday:  Bact Lab final, followed by a viro review and my last viro tutor session
Thursday, Friday, Sat, Sun: STUDY MY LIFE AWAY and pretty much live at the campus study room.  I signed up to help walk to campus dogs again (Fri, Sat, Sun, and next Wed) for my study breaks and for some extra $$.

Here is all the material that I need to study memorize (cell phone to show size):

I think this about sums up the week/weekend:

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