Last set of finals:
Mon 7-9am: Therio
Tues 7-9am: LASx
Wed 7-9am: LAM
Wednesday night: A catamaran trip to celebrate Liz and Bryan's birthdays as well as the end of the semester!
Thursday: Another catamaran trip during the day! The rest of the day I had to pack and get ready to move all of my stuff back to the States! That night was the end of the semester party, so I went to say goodbye to my favorite bar owner, Bary and celebrate the end of the semester.
Friday morning: I leave paradise for my next adventure.
Perspective of St Kitts fitting inside Charlotte:
This is my last blog entry while still on the island. You get a strange feeling when you leave a place. You'll not only miss the people you love, but you will miss the person you are at this time and place because you'll never be this way ever again. It has been an unforgettable journey of growth, learning, celebrations, and grieving, I have learned and experienced so many new things, such as paddleboarding, surfing, scuba, failures, losing friends, new recipes, new roommates, new highs, and new lows. I have learned a tremendous amount about myself and have discovered the type of person I want to be.
I have participated in so many activities and clubs through school such as VBMA (got two certifications - silver and gold), SCUBA (became open water certified), VOICE, PAWS (was a the Feline Foster Intake Coordinator for 5 semesters), AAV (was an Aviary Manager was 2 semesters), Surgery club, 3 different research projects including one that was done three different times (chicken, donkey, and cats), Josh project, tutored, participated in and helped with Mr Ross events, helped with semester fundraising events, failed exams and aced exams, failed classes and aced classes,
Outside of the school, I have partied too hard, gone to all sorts of theme parties (semester color, Halloween, 80s, Disney, paint, luau, Playboy), had my car vandalized, had very little sleep, went on several hikes, ate at almost every restaurant, made friends with and partied with professors, made friends with restaurant and bar owners (yes, I got drinks and meals for free), celebrated 3 birthdays here, had brunch and dinner parties, played volleyball, won scholarships to SAVMA symposiums (went to two - LSU and CO); as well as stayed in and away from parties, danced in the rain, slept too much, vegged and did nothing an entire day, overcome fears, spent too many hours on Pinterest, cooked too much food for only myself, missed my family and friends way too much, and just enjoyed my time alone.
I have experienced hatred, pain, self-doubt, betrayal, lies, loneliness, failures, fear, heartbreak, anxiety, panic, laziness, manipulation, gossip; well as love, happiness, self-confidence, true friendships, self-discipline, dedication, determination, support, calm, success comfort, hope, faith, beauty, passion, self awakenings, serendipity, dedication, and through it all, developed an unbelievable strength.
Farewell St Kitts, it's been..........a once in a lifetime journey.
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