FINALS 7.0/ Last Post on The Island

Last set of finals:
Mon 7-9am: Therio
Tues 7-9am: LASx
Wed 7-9am: LAM

Wednesday night: A catamaran trip to celebrate Liz and Bryan's birthdays as well as the end of the semester!
Thursday:  Another catamaran trip during the day!  The rest of the day I had to pack and get ready to move all of my stuff back to the States!  That night was the end of the semester party, so I went to say goodbye to my favorite bar owner, Bary and celebrate the end of the semester.
Friday morning: I leave paradise for my next adventure.

Perspective of St Kitts fitting inside Charlotte: 

This is my last blog entry while still on the island. You get a strange feeling when you leave a place.  You'll not only miss the people you love, but you will miss the person you are at this time and place because you'll never be this way ever again.  It has been an unforgettable journey of growth, learning, celebrations, and grieving,  I have learned and experienced so many new things, such as paddleboarding, surfing, scuba, failures, losing friends, new recipes, new roommates, new highs, and new lows.  I have learned a tremendous amount about myself and have discovered the type of person I want to be.

I have participated in so many activities and clubs through school such as VBMA (got two certifications - silver and gold), SCUBA (became open water certified), VOICE, PAWS (was a the Feline Foster Intake Coordinator for 5 semesters), AAV (was an Aviary Manager was 2 semesters), Surgery club, 3 different research projects including one that was done three different times (chicken, donkey, and cats), Josh project, tutored, participated in and helped with Mr Ross events, helped with semester fundraising events, failed exams and aced exams, failed classes and aced classes,

Outside of the school, I have partied too hard, gone to all sorts of theme parties (semester color, Halloween, 80s, Disney, paint, luau, Playboy), had my car vandalized, had very little sleep, went on several hikes, ate at almost every restaurant, made friends with and partied with professors, made friends with restaurant and bar owners (yes, I got drinks and meals for free), celebrated 3 birthdays here, had brunch and dinner parties, played volleyball, won scholarships to SAVMA symposiums (went to two - LSU and CO); as well as stayed in and away from parties, danced in the rain, slept too much, vegged and did nothing an entire day, overcome fears, spent too many hours on Pinterest, cooked too much food for only myself, missed my family and friends way too much, and just enjoyed my time alone.

I have experienced hatred, pain, self-doubt, betrayal, lies, loneliness, failures, fear, heartbreak, anxiety, panic, laziness, manipulation, gossip; well as love, happiness, self-confidence, true friendships, self-discipline, dedication, determination, support, calm, success comfort, hope, faith, beauty, passion, self awakenings, serendipity, dedication, and through it all, developed an unbelievable strength.
Farewell St Kitts, it's been..........a once in a lifetime journey.

My memorial video:  St Kitts

Time Flies

I finally did my first hash last Saturday!

12 Things I Used To Do As A Veterinarian

The time has come to live the life of a hermit again.  Last set of finals next week so here's goes nothing!

Monday was my Acupuncture and final rotation.  It is a exciting field that I haven't really been exposed to yet, but always have been interested in.
Our special species final was on Wednesday. One down, three to go.

Transition ceremony on Thursday! (Just a note in case anyone noticed......I wore the same dress that I wore to my white coat) I cannot believe it is finally my time to do this!  I received so many amazing compliments from friends, so thank you all so much.  I couldn't have thrived in this semester without you!  I cannot thank you enough for sharing in part of this adventure with me.  I cherish you all for being a part of it because each of you were meant to cross my path for a reason.  Thank you for the late nights, the early mornings, the smiles and laughter, the everlasting memories and most of all the beautiful friendships.  Of course there are so many people to thank and you know who you are, but I have to especially thank Bryan, Sarah C, Bre, Sara E, Liz, and Carmen for being my support system and partners in crime this semester.

Friday night is my final dinner at Lobesterfest, and I will be studying for my last set of finals all weekend!

The sand may brush off, the salt may wash away, the tans may fade, but the memories will last forever.

Some Last Island Adventures

I met a friend of a friend last week and she introduced me to her fun blog: The Trials and Tribulations of a 30 Something Girl

I enjoyed some new exciting weekend adventures that consisted of dropping down to seaglass beach and finding a hidden beach on the peninsula that Bre and I heard about in hopes of collecting some sea treasures.

The eel that tried to eat me:

Hidden beach:
Tons of sea fans:

The search for externships still continues without luck.  Fingers crossed that I hear back from someone soon!
My bucket list for the island has started to form.  I would like to visit several restaurants and get a few souvenirs from several places before I leave....2 weeks!
My semester had a practice NAVLE exam on Wednesday afternoon which was pretty exhausting. A few of us then went out and celebrated my great friend Bryan's birthday!

I had my small animal clinics rotation on Thursday. We helped treat a possible case of histiocytoma.
On Friday, for therio, we have a"fun" quiz which will basically assess how much we have registered from our labs this semester.
There is a hash this weekend that I'm going to try to go to because I have yet to do one here (bucket list!)  Sunday is Easter so I plan on going to brunch and my semester's jello shot egg hunt.

"Some nights you feel like there are a thousand galaxies exploding in every inch of you and you are burning too bright to every be looked at directly, and some nights you will feel impossibly small, like your whole body could slip through the spaces between atoms and never reappear in this world again, and some nights you will feel like a paper doll, carefully crafted and easily blown away, fragile, too delicate to every be touched, and some nights you feel like each cell in your body is made of the strength that holds the whole planet together, and that is okay, because you are made of stardust and minuscule atoms and breakable bones and the building blocks of everything in the universe, and you are too alive to never feel anything more than human." -Anonymous


I have been complimented by coworkers on how I manage my work-life balance. It's extremely important in my field to understand and enfor...