2013 In Review

 This past year has flown by so I just wanted to take a moment and reflect on what has happened to me:

January - I was very much humbled by having to repeat a class this semester

February - I started my scuba certification

March - I attended the LSU SAVMA conference.

April - Africa trip!

May - I was able to go home for my sister's graduation

June - I started my a research project on whipworms in indoor cats

July - I became one of the aviary managers

August - I was finally able to go home for break and visit with some great friends

September - I attended way too many goodbye dinners

October - This month began the craziness of nonstop exams every week this semester

November - I had the opportunity to foster some very adorable kittens and almost kept one

Decemeber - I was so excited to learn that I will be moving on to 5th semester!

I'm looking forward to the New Year with some resolutions and hopefully some smooth and less stressful upcoming semesters!  Here's to one more year on the island!


Finals Week Told By Will Ferrell And Zach Galifianakis
Monday: Epi 10:30 - 12:30pm
Tuesday: Pharm :yikes: 8 - 10am
Wednesday: ClinPath 8-10am
Thursday: Path 10:30-12:30pm
Friday: My flight home and grades will be out!

It Begins!

 Fun times with the family this past weekend!  We ate tons at Rituals Sushi, Ottley's, Lobsterfest, the Italian place in the Marriott, and the Marriott Sunday brunch.  We checked out a little bit of volleyball on Friday and went to Nevis on Saturday.  We walked around the four seasons, ate at Golden Rock, and hung out at the beach with some Killer Bees at Sunshines.  There is still so much I want them to do but it will have to wait until next Thanksgiving!

 It starts
I seriously cannot believe it's December already.  This semester has flown by; it's definitely one of the fastest semesters so far.
Monday: Path Lab Final 8-9am; ClinPath at 10am; PAWS meeting at noon; Epi review at 2pm
Tuesday: ClinPath Lab Final 8:30-10:30am; MOD at 11am; continued PAWS meeting
Wednesday: Study day!  (I've been craving Cheerios for some reason....better run to the store...)  I had to clean the aviary out today as well.
Thursday: MOD final (not really counted as a final) 11:10-12:12am and Pharm review at 2pm
Friday and weekend - Study, study, study!!

15-reasons Why (Not) To Date A Vet


I have been complimented by coworkers on how I manage my work-life balance. It's extremely important in my field to understand and enfor...