Halloween weekend

The weekend was full of lots of fun Halloween parties.  Thursday and Saturday I dressed up as a minon (from Despicable Me) and Friday night, since my other minions didn't come out, I just put on some of my belly dance outfit.  Saturday night was island idol where a group of us performed Time Warp from Rocky Horror, and we won!  Check out the video here.

Monday - On campus for nearly 12 hours....ugh

Tuesday - On campus again forever!  This semester needs to end asap....I'm exhausted

Wednesday - Just keep swimming, just keep swimming

Thursday - ClinPath Exam!

Friday -  I will be organizing for the Epi/Path miniblock in a week and maybe I will take a break to go to volleyball for a little bit.

THIS WEEK I'M THANKFUL FOR:  My friends and family who have helped support me and get me to where I am now.  I really couldn't have gotten this far without all of your kind words and love.  It has been quite the roller coaster of a journey.

Prayer of a Vet

This weekend is the last PAWS adoption day for the semester.  I'm having a hard time finding fosters for all the cats over the upcoming break, so hopefully we can get some little ones adopted out!  The VT game vs Miami is Saturday night.....let's hope we learn to play again.  Then, of course, I will be  studying the rest of the time.

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