CBD and Hemp Based Products

 I will start off by saying that it's illegal for your vet to recommend and prescribe CBD and hemp based products at this time. The FDA has not approved any product for pet use yet because there have not been any long term studies yet. Using any of these products is at your own discretion, but I can try to help guide you from what I have learned. 
-What exactly is it?
CBD (cannabidiol) is the liquid that gets extracted from the cannabis plant. Hemp oil is extracted from the seed of the plant, whereas CBD oil is extracted from the other parts of the plant. Both products contain <0.3% of THC. THC is the ingredient that gives you that "high" when given in large amounts. 

It is thought that CBD and hemp based products are going to be helpful in managing behavioral issues, chronic pain, some cancer cases, as well as seizure/epilepsy disorders. 

-Quality control 
There are hundreds of different types of products out there, some containing CBD oil and some that don't, even though they are labeled to. Unfortunately none of these products are regulated. They contain unknown concentrations and ingredients, so you have to be very careful in your selection process. I recommend you find a locally sourced product that uses a CO2 extraction process. This means that it is more natural and less chance of trace chemicals left behind. 

If you are going to use a product on your pet, be sure you are documenting all effects that your pet experiences. Also be sure to know the amount that you are giving your pet, so if adjustments need to be made, you have an accurate dose. 

-Research Studies
There are current veterinary studies being performed in Florida, California, and Colorado. Hopefully these studies will give us more information about the amount that our pets can tolerate without harm. The current studies that have been performed, have shown abnormal elevations in some bloodwork values, specifically a liver value (Alkaline Phosphate) and the thyroid levels. Be sure to have your vet perform annual bloodwork in order to monitor any changes as a possible results of these supplements. 

Hopefully in the next couple of months we will have more answers for pet owners.  If you want more info, this website can help answer a lot of questions: https://www.veterinarycannabis.org/

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