Be Addicted To Bettering Yourself

Single Ladies Mantra 2018

Planning my trips this year! My goal is to go someplace new every month, whether it be international or local. I have about half of my year planned, but still need to decide where to go the other half. If my work schedule doesn't allow for travel, then I will at least go to a new restaurant/winery/hike. Stay tuned for where I'm going this month! Here's a's the complete opposite of where you would think I would go.

For the start of the new year, I started a 30 day workout/eating better challenge.  The challenge has all my meals already planned out and luckily everything is really tasty! There's even more new recipes that I can't wait to try.  Let's see how it goes! I've never been a fad diet person, because let's face it, I rather be happy than craving foods that I can't have. It's all about everything in moderation. However, whatever makes you feel like you best self is the best diet for you!
My little PSA for the month: My clinic is hiring doctors, so if you or anyone you know is interested, just send me a message and I can get the information out to you!

1 comment:

  1. Well, your life sounds spectacular! Really - warm water - white sandy beaches - AND little furry animals!!! Keep it up Missy!!! Love it. I, for one, will keep reading on the chilly winter day while imagining myself in St. Kitts one day.



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