Unfortunately, in my profession, as much as we want to look professional and wear cute clothing, it's going to get ruined. I can't justify spending money on clothing that is guaranteed to get ripped or some sort of animal bodily fluid on it. Scrubs are my work attire; I will save my "glamorous" clothing for dinners and going out occasions.
Debates Teach Us About Vet Med
I am not one to discuss politics and this is no exception, but I did find this article relatable.
1) Facts are less important than trust
2) You need to earn a client's trust
3) Build a relationship and the facts will follow
Found on Facebook the other day:
"Long after this election is over Trump and Hilary will still be rich. Half of us will be able to say we "won." The other half will have 4 years to say "that's why I didn't vote for ___." Just remember we live in a different America than they do. We have to live, work and eat, in OUR America. We don't get to hop on a private jet and fly away from our communities problems. We are what makes this country what it is, not the President. He/she will not stop crime in our neighorhoods, he won't stop people from stealing your identity, and she will not stop anyone from shooting up our local night clubs. Hilary will not come teach your children right from wrong, but you can. Trump will not come to your home and teach her math, but you can. We as a UNITED people with sound morals, values, and ethics can make this country what ever we want. Vote for whom ever you want but remember WE are the ones that shape our communities, not them,"
Montreals Pit Bull Ban Is Bad Public Policy
ASPCA Pitbulls
Montreal Pitbull Ban - How To Help
Anyone that has ever worked with dogs will tell you that pitbulls are among the sweetest dogs to work with. It's the chihuahuas that are more likely to bit you and there are studies to prove this, including one titled: {Study: Chihuahuas bite vet most; Lhaso Apsos inflict worst injuries." Without hesitation I will muzzle any chihuahua that I exam; I will read the body language of any other dog. I will easily trust a pit over a dachshund any day of the week. If only the media covered that percentage of bites, but unfortunately those aren't reported to animal control like pitbull bites are. Because pitbulls' jaws are incredibly powerful, they have a bad reputation on the occasion they do attack. Of course any dog will bite under the "right" circumstances. I am always interested in knowing the circumstance whenever I hear about a dog bite. A perfectly well-trained, well-behaved dog isn't going to attack out of the blue for no reason; was the dog painful/not trained/being abused/scared etc? It's just sad that the general public is afraid of a breed when they don't need to be. Check out the "how to help" link above to see what you can do about Montreal's pitbull ban.
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