
Congratulations to my stunning little sister and her new husband, James, on their wedding this past weekend! It was a flawless ceremony full of so much love! It was great to see so many people there to celebrate the two of them. I am just honored that I was able to be a part of it.  I could write some more beautiful romantic words here, but they wouldn't do the day the least bit of justice. It was a day every little girl dreams of, a day fit for a fairytale princess, which is exactly what Julia looked like. In short, it was legendary. Their marriage will be even more beautiful than their wedding was.
Enjoy your honeymoon Mr and Mrs Reid!

On Thursday we are flying down to FL for graduation! This has been a long time coming! If you would like to watch the ceremony, here's a link to watch live at 3pm eastern time.
Graduation Ceremony

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