Fourth of July weekend:
I been able to see all different types of birds during this externship, but my favorite one that came in was this one. A Cooper's Hawk....yes I still most enjoy working with the raptors.
I have experienced more than most people have at my age, yet still where I am now isn't where I imagined I would be. Blame it on my gypsy soul. So, I have decided that I want to make a list of 30 things I want to accomplish before I turn 30. I have 8 months to complete this. Keep up with what I've crossed off under the About Me tab on the right side of this blog.
My 30 before 30:
1) Get in my best shape"The only bad workout is the one you didn't do"
I love to eat and have been fortunate to have a great metabolism, but since I haven't been as active during school, I want to get back into my ideal shape.
2) Heal your past and move on
"Just let go. Let go of how you thought your life should be, and embrace the life that is trying to work its way into your consciousness."
I praise myself for the strength I have developed from my past. I would like to fully embrace the present and live in the moment even more.
3) Get a small tattoo or new piercing
My parents will just love this one! Don't worry, I'm just talking about a henna tattoo. After all, you don't put bumper stickers on a Ferrari.
4) Travel to a new country
"Travel changes you. As you move through this life and this world you change things slightly, you leave marks behind. And in return, life - and travel - leaves marks on you."
I have entire travel bucket list I need to fulfill. The travel impulse is mental and physical curiosity. It's a passion and I can't understand people who don't want to travel. Travel is about the gorgeous feeling of teetering in the unknown.
5) Get better at yoga
I have a few basic to go moves, but not nearly enough for where I want to be. Yoga isn't just about your body or self-improvement. It's about self-acceptance.
6) Go a day with no electronics, including phone.
"There is no wifi in the forest, but I promise you there is better connection"
We rely on electronics way too much, and I know my phone will be the hardest one to go without.
7) Learn medical Spanish
"Su perro esta enfermo"
This has been a goal for a long time. It's all about communication.
8) Go to a nice restaurant alone
Alone At A Bar
I have ate at restaurants alone before, but usually just on my way home for a quick bite. I would like to dress up specially just for going out with the best date there is...myself!
9) Eat every food on the Louisiana Foods list
10) Pass the NAVLE in November!
11) Find a new regular drink
"Time to drink champagne and dance on the table"
First it was Dirty Shirley's (thanks Susie), then Dragonberry and Sprite. On the island, all I drank pineapple and Malibus. Margaritas have of course always been a favorite as well as wine, but let's see what else I can come up with.
12) Try one new recipe each month
"Eating is a necessity but cooking is an art"
With my schedule, it's hard to want to cook when I come home, so I prep meals on Sunday for the week, but it's usually the same few meals.
13) Attend a LSU football game
"Geaux Tigers"
I've heard all the rumors, but let's compare it to the VT games.
14) Get involved in a church I love
First, I need to find a church in my area that I enjoy going to.
15) Do something for 30 day
Not sure what that something will be just yet.
16) Take better care of my nails
"A woman is helpless only while her nail polish is drying."
My nails have always been brittle and I've tried just about everything to make them stronger. I can always try again.
17) Read a self improvement book once a month
"There is no challenge more challenging than the challenge to improve yourself"
There is always room for improvement.
18) Attend a new cultural experience
"If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion, and avoid the people, you might better stay home."
I'm in a city with a rich and vibrant culture, so I might as well take more advantage of it.
19) Adopt a pet
"The best therapist has fur and four legs"
Another one my parents will love. I might not have the time, so it can be something that doesn't take a lot of responsibility, but I do need to have a critter in my life again. It's not the same without one.
20) Figure out what I'm doing after I graduate.
"The future is exciting"
Internship? General practice? FDA? ASPCA? Although I don't want to think about what can happen in a month, in a year, and want to just focus on the 24 hours in front of me, I would like a more generalized idea of what path I want to take.
21) Go to a drive in movie
"Let's go to the movies"
What a fun throw back experience.
22) Donate blood
"Once you become fearless, life becomes limitless"
Ugh I hate needles and I get faint with blood, and frankly the entire thought scares me, but let's try it just this once. It's for a good cause right?
23) Get a psychic reading
New Orleans has readers on every corner, so why the heck not? Let's see what they have to say.
24) Make your own pizza from scratch
"I ate salad for dinner. Mostly crotons and tomatoes. Really just one big round crouton covered with tomato sauce. And cheese. Fine, it was pizza. I ate a pizza."
Because why not?!
25) Create a signature dish
"First we eat then we do everything else"
26) Finally get rid of the clothes that you don't wear/don't fit.
I still have clothes from high school in my closet....
27) Update my nectar list
"She designed a life she loved"
A nectar list is the opposite of a bucket list where you list everything you have done. This way instead of seeing a list of things you need to accomplish, you can see a list of things you have already achieved.
28) Learn a new prop for belly dance.
"Always say yes to dancing"
I still would like to learn the sword, fire, and cane.
29) Realize everything on this list: 100 Things 20 Something Year Olds Need To Realize
30) Create a 40 by 40 list
"Live your life and forget about your age"
I have to complete my bucket list somehow, so let's try breaking it up into pieces one year at a time.
Stress Almost Drove Me Out Of Vet Medicine
The Darker Side of Being A Doctor
America's Oldest Bald Eagle
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