6 weeks left

Can you believe it's March already!? I certainly can't.

No rotations for me again this week, so fortunately that means lots of study time for all of my upcoming exams.

My bovine palpation was on Tuesday this week.  We were put into groups to evaluate certain cows for the stage in their cycle and we are hopefully going to try to sync their estrus cycles so that RUSVM will have more pregnant cows.
Our elaborate celiotomy surgery, in which I was the anesthetist, was on Thursday.  That was my last anesthesia surgery of the semester, so only two more actual surgeries to go (spay and casting)!
Our second LASx exam is on Friday.
Crazy upcoming week next week, so I will be sleeping and studying in preparation.

Just a reminder that you can sign up for emails whenever I update my posts (usually every Friday) instead of searching for it on Facebook.  Just scroll down to the bottom of this page.

Wanderlust Gene

Release your majestic mind, embrace your untamed inner spirit.  Break free from captivity, avoid society.....you were born to be free.

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