Clinical Placement

I am thrilled to announce that I will be doing my clinical placement if my background didn't already give it away.....

I am enthusiastic and ambitious for a new adventure in a new location, for I have a gypsy soul to blame and I was born for leaving!  I have already been researching apartments (with many thanks to old blue and pink semester friends) and I have received my orientation and start date!  Here is the link where my classmates will be going: Clinical Placement

Busy enthralling week!
As one of the surgeons for our donkey's Arthocenetesis surgery (joint tap) on Tuesday, I had to help anesthetize him, maintain proper aspetic technique, identity the specific landmarks before placing the needle to obtain synovial (joint) fluid, replace the fluid with an antibiotic, ensure safe recovery of the patient from anesthesia, and write up the report and discharge instructions.
My SOAP group also turned in our cost analysis project this week.  Apparently we were the first to do so - we were just relieved to get it out of the way.
On Wednesday, I met my OVH (spay) dog that I will be anesthetizing.  We have a cute 6 month old Pitbull mix that we had to do a physical exam on and ensure that she is a candidate for the surgery.  My anesthesia partner and I figured out which drugs and protocol we want to use for the day of the surgery (Feb 4).
My favorite rotation so far as been ambulatory, which I had on Thursday. We went around with Dr Challenger (the agriculture department vet) on her appointments.  We were able to castrate piglets, drain several abscesses, treat two cases of Dermatophilosis (a huge problem on the island caused by ticks), and treat a pregnant sheep that had an allergic reaction to a tick bite on her vulva.  I enjoyed being outside, driving around to the different farms, and the spontaneity of the day, which all actually reminded me of my South Africa trip.
On Friday, we have more bovine palpation fun and our donkey gets a hoof trim.  I have my first exam of the semester next week, so I will be studying for that as well as SOAPing twice a day all weekend.

Harsh Reality of Vet Med

JFK Airport Build Pet Terminal

I thrive because the fire inside me burns brighter than the fire around me.  Some are lost in the fire; I am built from it.

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