Back to the real world this week since my family left on Sunday, which means starting to study for finals!
Thursday was pink semester's transition ceremony and yes there were tears. Sam R, from pink, wrote this poem:
PINK Transitions
Started this journey with one simple hope,
To be a veterinarian, to excel up this slope.
But what do you know I learned far more than that,
Friends can be family, like your dog or your cat.
But wait there’s more to this crazy place I live,
It's a small rock but has so much to give.
You don't need pants or shoes to have a great time,
Coronas can be enjoyed with lemon over lime.
Cat trips and rum runs, Mr.Ross and more,
Bare feet are better on that dirty dance floor.
Sweat, tears, ocean or sea,
Salt is in abundance between you and me.
Here dogs are your children, and centipedes the beast,
Pick those bugs out of your pasta before you feast.
If you never had patience you sure do now,
Try going to the bank with a cruise ship in town.
Diving and hiking, swimming or hashing,
With stag, carib and skol your liver is crashing.
Procrastination is bad, so pour me more wine,
Monsoons can come from the pure sunshine.
Sushi on Sundays? Aren’t you sad,
Waited an hour for service, that's not half bad!
I could go on forever but you know the rest,
Certainly a lot better than that special species test.
So I leave St.Kitts and a bit of my heart,
Lots of tuition money and tons of car parts.
But on top of the books, slide shows and notes,
The beaches, the sand, water and boats,
I leave with a better understanding of this place called home,
If you have island family, you'll never be alone.
Not one moment here will I ever regret,
And when you move on try not to forget,
Please Rush slowly, always live and lime,
One aim, one love, one heart, till the end of time.

As my time is winding down here on the island, every day I realize that I've learned more and more living here. This article perfectly sums it up:
Lessons Learned Living On A Caribbean Island
Great read:
The Reality Of Veterinary Medicine