I went to a bonfire on Banana Bay on Saturday night; unfortunately the next day, my lungs weren't too happy with me and I've been coughing since.
I can't believe it's July....the days take forever here, but the weeks go by so fast (if that makes any sense). We have already past the middle of the semester point and there is still so much to do before the end! It's definitely going to be a busy next couple of weeks. Also, in order to make this month more exciting, I am going to include an interesting fact that I learned that day. This way you can learn something with me and see that I am actually "studying like hell in paradise." It will be related mostly to school, but if I find something interesting about the island or science in general, I will probably include it. The weekend's facts will be on the following post.
So, I had aviary manger "training" on Monday. Basically we just went to hear the talk that the current manager does so we can be ready to give the talk next semester.
FACT OF THE DAY: Feline herpesvirus 1 causes abortions, even though the virus does not get into the bloodstream (viremia). It is thought to be due to the effects of the respiratory disease (which Feline herpesvirus 1 causes) rather than direct effect of the virus on the fetus. (Virology)
On Tuesday, I wasn't coughing as much, but I was congested, which isn't good because being congested makes me tired and I have too much that needs to be done to be tired! We had double pharm today. This week is full of pharm lectures since we didn't have any last week. Up to this point we have had only a lecture and a half worth of material for next week's exam. All of the material for the exam is presented this week...talk about cramming...
FACT OF THE DAY: Nude Mice don't have "normal" T cells, so we can do experiements by putting human tumors in them because they won't develop an immune response.(Pathology)
Wednesday = FOUR hours of pharm = exhaustion. We did get our exam and class schedule for next semester though, so that's motivation for studying.
FACT OF THE DAY: Phenylpropanolamine (aka Proin - which we used in practice) acts by enhancing the urethra closure by activating Alpha1 receptors and/or releasing nonrepinephrine in the bladder neck and urethra in order to help treat urinary incontinence, which is common in spayed female dogs. (Pharmacology)
Happy 4th of July! I wish I could be at home on the lake with my family, but a cookout at a friend's place and some neighbor's fireworks will have to do!
FACT OF THE DAY: Porcine Parvovirus (PPV) is a major cause of SMEDI (stillbirth, mummification, embryonic death, and infertility. (Virology)
On Friday, I'm taking a small break to play volleyball, but then it's back to the books!
FACT OF THE DAY: An overgrowth of granulation tissue is called "Proud Flesh" and it's commonly seen in the distal (lower) limbs of horses. (Pathology)
This is yet another weekend of doing nothing but studying for Path on Monday and Pharm on Wednesday!
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