First Round of Exams

Weekend - Volleyball break before studying on Friday, then Adoption Day Saturday but no one was adopted :(  The rest of the weekend was full of studying and cleaning.  Here are some of the ones I've found that need homes!

Monday was our 1st exam of second semester...Physio.  We were actually able to find out our grade by the end of the day too, which lessened some anxiety.  Then studied Parasit the rest of the night.  Also, the premier of all my tv shows are coming up, oh no!  I guess I will need a study break at some point, right? I also got an email from one of our PAWS fosters that the three kittens she was fostering escaped.
Tuesday - Studying parasites during lunch
On Wednesday, we had a long day.  It started with our Parasit Exam, then I had my antaomy tutor, then the Physio exam review.  I then went out to dinner to say goodbye to a friend that is leaving. (Miss you already girl!)  I got another email from a different PAWS foster that her new foster cat escaped as well....ugh...however, she emailed me later and he was just hiding in her kitchen. Whew
Thursday was another long day exhausting with only an hour break.  I had an exam review for Parasit at 10am, speaker for VBMA at lunch, an additional lecture at 4pm, and then tutoring at 5pm.  Glee has been on for two weeks now, but it's still a study break!
Friday at lunch there was a Bayer meeting where we could get a year supply of fun for my Buffy!  Tonight a group of us are going out to dinner at Spice Mill.  Yum!
This weekend, I'm going on a small getaway to Nevis! Pictures to come in next weeks!

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