This past weekend, I went to Beachfest which was a lot of fun and got to drive some crazy drunks home (haha love you all!) followed by a turkey dinner (Thanks Chris!) and some studying that night.
Sunday I cleaned and then spent all afternoon on campus with several TA sessions.
Monday was an extremely busy and long day, which is already an indication of how the rest of the week is going to be. We started our small animal palpation with some of the kennel dogs. At lunch, I met with my Anatomy tutor (there's a group of 6 of us at the same time) and she was able to give us a better idea of how exams will be. Unfortunately, because of the tutor sessions, I missed the first AAV meeting. The first semester ice cream social was today as well, so I treated myself after the gym.
Another long day on Tuesday, however I didn't have the last 2 hours of the Intro to Vet Med class, so I was able to go to the gym and study before the two TA sessions in the afternoon. In micro, we did learn about how MSG can be sensitive in some people and can kill others. We also learned that it's banned in most country, but of course our professor was able to get it at the grocery store downtown.....interesting. I was on campus until 6:30pm and I ended up going to bed early because I wasn't able to focus since I was so exhausted.
Wednesday was pretty much like Tuesday where I was on campus until 7pm. I was craving soup and a bread bowl that day as well, so I ended up running to the store and making some. :)
I had a three hour break, technically two, because I went to the radiology lab on Thursday. During that break I spoke with one of my professors to make sure I was on the right track with anatomy. They are changing everything from the previous semesters, so even my tutor and upper class friends can't tell me what to expect on the tests, so I was worried how detailed everything was going on be. I also ran by the post office to pick up a package (Thanks Britt!) and went to the grocery store. Even though I have moved, my mailing address is still the same. Everything basically goes through the school since there really aren't street addresses here. After my errands I was still able to make it to a zoo veterinarian speaker. He gave us a run through of all the amazing things he's done, but I was hoping he would talk more about how to become a zoo veterinarian or something like that.
Here is a video of just another day in nutrition class: Demonstrating Lipid Digestion (by eating butter)
Friday and this weekend I will be doing nothing but studying for the Micro exam on Monday. This exam is the start of the endless exams (one or two a week)! There are several TA sessions this weekend as well that I will be going to. So much for having a life anymore...
2% over!
2% of vet school is finished! (Each week is pretty much another 1%)
This past weekend...I got my car all fixed up so it's almost as good as new! I studied the rest of the day Saturday until Mr. RUSVM. Gerardo, the guy who represented 1st semester did amazing! Here is my favorite video of him and watch the very end for the shout out to me (very sweet): Belly dance Blue semester
Sunday consisted of studying and going to the lab with my anatomy group to practice with the cadavers. We already have an exam's worth of material and it's the first week. We are suppose to know the names of all the parts of the bone and muscles of the shoulder to the fingers, including joints and ligaments. We also are suppose to know where on the bone the muscle attached and what the action of it is. Our test isn't even until the beginning of next month, so it's just going to keep piling on....welcome to vet school. Later on Sunday, I was able to Skype my family for Mother's Day.
On Tuesday is one of our long days because we have Intro to Vet Med for 3 hours in the afternoon. I also had the first VBMA meeting of the semester. Hopefully I can finish my certificate this semester! I have been going to the gym in the afternoons, so much for getting use to waking up early last semester. Being off campus, it just makes more sense to go after class even though that's when it's the most crowded.
Wednesday I started to feel more overwhelmed with the amount of work that we are given. I still feel like I'm on top of it all, but especially with anatomy, I feel like it's not enough and I should be doing more. This afternoon we had two hours of Physio and then a optional Biochem review. The biochem review was basically just reviewing the material that we were taught last semester in Physio, but I figured the review would be good anyway. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to make it to the gym because of it though. After the review, a few of us went to the lab to review some more anatomy.
I don't have micro lab on Thursdays, so after anatomy lab I have a three hour (including lunch) break where I studied anatomy more. At lunch, we had our first Josh project meeting and two TA sessions for Physio and Micro that afternoon.
Yay Friday! Friday is my free day from studying! I have dinner plans tonight at Rock Lobster and then possibly Beachfest on Saturday depending on how ahead I feel with my studying. Sunday there are several TA sessions and I will probably go to the anatomy lab while I'm on campus. Busy, busy, busy!
Here is a cute picture of our campus "pets". Whenever I sit at the Student Union, this cat is on my lap looking for food. He is too funny!
This past weekend...I got my car all fixed up so it's almost as good as new! I studied the rest of the day Saturday until Mr. RUSVM. Gerardo, the guy who represented 1st semester did amazing! Here is my favorite video of him and watch the very end for the shout out to me (very sweet): Belly dance Blue semester
Sunday consisted of studying and going to the lab with my anatomy group to practice with the cadavers. We already have an exam's worth of material and it's the first week. We are suppose to know the names of all the parts of the bone and muscles of the shoulder to the fingers, including joints and ligaments. We also are suppose to know where on the bone the muscle attached and what the action of it is. Our test isn't even until the beginning of next month, so it's just going to keep piling on....welcome to vet school. Later on Sunday, I was able to Skype my family for Mother's Day.
On Tuesday is one of our long days because we have Intro to Vet Med for 3 hours in the afternoon. I also had the first VBMA meeting of the semester. Hopefully I can finish my certificate this semester! I have been going to the gym in the afternoons, so much for getting use to waking up early last semester. Being off campus, it just makes more sense to go after class even though that's when it's the most crowded.
Wednesday I started to feel more overwhelmed with the amount of work that we are given. I still feel like I'm on top of it all, but especially with anatomy, I feel like it's not enough and I should be doing more. This afternoon we had two hours of Physio and then a optional Biochem review. The biochem review was basically just reviewing the material that we were taught last semester in Physio, but I figured the review would be good anyway. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to make it to the gym because of it though. After the review, a few of us went to the lab to review some more anatomy.
I don't have micro lab on Thursdays, so after anatomy lab I have a three hour (including lunch) break where I studied anatomy more. At lunch, we had our first Josh project meeting and two TA sessions for Physio and Micro that afternoon.
Yay Friday! Friday is my free day from studying! I have dinner plans tonight at Rock Lobster and then possibly Beachfest on Saturday depending on how ahead I feel with my studying. Sunday there are several TA sessions and I will probably go to the anatomy lab while I'm on campus. Busy, busy, busy!
Here is a cute picture of our campus "pets". Whenever I sit at the Student Union, this cat is on my lap looking for food. He is too funny!
1st week as a firstie!
Back to school time. I'm so grateful to everyone for being so flexible with their schedule so I could see everyone over break! I really do miss everyone already.
I flew back here on Saturday. I started to unpack all four of my boxes and 6 of my suitcases.... I have way too much stuff.
A few of us went out to dinner on Saturday night and then to a back to school party at Bamboo. We were able to meet a few of the incoming first semesters.
On Sunday, I went to breakfast with Alex and her parents and we then did some grocery shopping. I also helped Taylor move her stuff from storage into her apartment. I then unpacked and put away the rest of my stuff and got ready for the first day of vet school! Class schedule
Monday was my first official 1st day of vet school! It was an extremely busy day and the humidity was awful! I am already feeling behind and overwhelmed. We had Gross Anatomy Lab, Microanatomy, and Nutrition (yes with Dr. Reich again). Normally we would also have Physiology, but since we had our white coat ceremony that afternoon, they canceled that class. The white coat ceremony was nice and the speaker was pretty good and inspirational. I then started studying until 11pm....already I know!
Tuesday was a shorter day than normal. We had Gross Anatomy Lecture, Microanatomy, and Intro to Vet Med. Usually class ends around 5pm but since they were just talking about the class, it ended at 2pm today. I ended up going to the gym, since I don't have my gym routine down yet. I might try to continue going at 5:30am, but then I have to worry about showering and breakfast before class. I would go in the afternoon after classes, but that's when the gym is the most full, so it's harder to go then. I will figure something out after I am more comfortable with my schedule, which I'm sure will end up being at 5:30 again. Here's to no sleep and bad posture (from leaning over books in extremely uncomfortable chairs) this semester!
Wednesday was another very busy day. We met with the current vet preppers for lunch to help answer any of their questions. It was also the first day of market, so I stocked up on my fruits and veggies. We also had out first Physiology class, which was two hours long. As a side note, the humidity since we have been back is insane. I haven't taken a hot shower since being here! We haven't needed to turn our AC on in our apartment yet, but we do leave the windows open all the time and the fans on when we are there. However, we have only been there in the evening, so we will see how the weekend goes.
We got to experience our first animal and cadaver interaction this semester on Thursday. We got to work with a horse and then worked on muscles with the dog cadavers. We also had the club sign up day today as well. I didn't sign up for any new clubs because I figured I'd try to continue with the ones I was in last semester.
I cannot wait for a must needed break and catch up this weekend. I don't feel like I'm behind, but I do want to get a little ahead so I can stay on top of everything. Mr. RUSVM is on Saturday and I am actually meeting with the guy representing first semester later on Friday (today) in order to go over his talent portion of the contest. The category is multicultural talent and what better thing to do than get a guy in a girl's pink belly dancing costume and have him dance! Haha I will take a video, it will be too fun!
I flew back here on Saturday. I started to unpack all four of my boxes and 6 of my suitcases.... I have way too much stuff.
A few of us went out to dinner on Saturday night and then to a back to school party at Bamboo. We were able to meet a few of the incoming first semesters.
On Sunday, I went to breakfast with Alex and her parents and we then did some grocery shopping. I also helped Taylor move her stuff from storage into her apartment. I then unpacked and put away the rest of my stuff and got ready for the first day of vet school! Class schedule
Monday was my first official 1st day of vet school! It was an extremely busy day and the humidity was awful! I am already feeling behind and overwhelmed. We had Gross Anatomy Lab, Microanatomy, and Nutrition (yes with Dr. Reich again). Normally we would also have Physiology, but since we had our white coat ceremony that afternoon, they canceled that class. The white coat ceremony was nice and the speaker was pretty good and inspirational. I then started studying until 11pm....already I know!
Tuesday was a shorter day than normal. We had Gross Anatomy Lecture, Microanatomy, and Intro to Vet Med. Usually class ends around 5pm but since they were just talking about the class, it ended at 2pm today. I ended up going to the gym, since I don't have my gym routine down yet. I might try to continue going at 5:30am, but then I have to worry about showering and breakfast before class. I would go in the afternoon after classes, but that's when the gym is the most full, so it's harder to go then. I will figure something out after I am more comfortable with my schedule, which I'm sure will end up being at 5:30 again. Here's to no sleep and bad posture (from leaning over books in extremely uncomfortable chairs) this semester!
Wednesday was another very busy day. We met with the current vet preppers for lunch to help answer any of their questions. It was also the first day of market, so I stocked up on my fruits and veggies. We also had out first Physiology class, which was two hours long. As a side note, the humidity since we have been back is insane. I haven't taken a hot shower since being here! We haven't needed to turn our AC on in our apartment yet, but we do leave the windows open all the time and the fans on when we are there. However, we have only been there in the evening, so we will see how the weekend goes.
We got to experience our first animal and cadaver interaction this semester on Thursday. We got to work with a horse and then worked on muscles with the dog cadavers. We also had the club sign up day today as well. I didn't sign up for any new clubs because I figured I'd try to continue with the ones I was in last semester.
I cannot wait for a must needed break and catch up this weekend. I don't feel like I'm behind, but I do want to get a little ahead so I can stay on top of everything. Mr. RUSVM is on Saturday and I am actually meeting with the guy representing first semester later on Friday (today) in order to go over his talent portion of the contest. The category is multicultural talent and what better thing to do than get a guy in a girl's pink belly dancing costume and have him dance! Haha I will take a video, it will be too fun!
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