First Week of School

First week of school, first week of school! (Finding Nemo)
Another long entry, but everyone's been asking about my classes, so read on!

Monday - Classes didn't start for me today, but they started for all the other semesters.  However, I was still up at 5:30am for some gym time.  Even though I didn't have anywhere to be until 2pm, we figured the gym would be the least crowded then.  I then had a meeting for our Evidence Based Medicine class overview.  This class is basically a case study class, where they want us to learn to provide a template for solving clinical problems, developing communication and independent learning skills.  It seems like it will be a interesting and time consuming class.  The first semesters then had their White Coat Ceremony, which I attended to cheer my orientation team on.  I don't get my white coat until next semester since I'm Vet Prep.  Unfortunately, my grandpa passed away today as well.  I hate that I can't make it to the funeral, but I know everyone understands why.

Tuesday - Still didn't have classes until 11am, but I was up again at 5:30am for some gym time.  I then did some laundry and got everything organized the first day of classes!  So my first class was Clinical Applications and it only meets every other week.  It's basically trying to get us to start learning the mechanisms of acquiring information in a clinical setting.  So it basically goes along with the Evidence Based Medicine class.  At lunch, there was a PAWS ((People for Animal Welfare on St. Kitts) meeting which helps with fostering and adopting animals.  (I'm still pretty sure I will be the owner of a cat by the time I leave the island....sorry mom)  Unfortunately, I discovered that I can't do until next semester because you have to be a member of SCAVMA (Student Chapter of the American Veterinary Medical Association).  You aren't able to be a member until 1st semester.  In the afternoon I am in the same classroom for the rest of my classes. (All classes are 50mins long)  First was Medical Mathematics and Intro to Pharmacology where we are going to get an overview of writing prescriptions, calculating dosages, and a preview into pharmacology and toxicology.  I do have some background in this working at the different clinics, so hopefully that will help me.  Next class was Intro to Microbiology, which I have taken before, so again hopefully this will help me.  This is the only class I actually learned something in today.  Lastly we had Intro to Physiology.  I have a feeling this class will be my hardest, but it will give us an advantage in nutrition next semester.  It's the exact same teacher and we literally have the exact same notes as the first semesters.

 Here's what we learned in Math and Intro to Pharm (click the play button and make sure your sound is on):

Wednesday - Gym time at 5:30am again!  I'm trying to get into the routine early, even though I don't have early classes until next semester.  Instead of Evidence Based Medicine, we had a library orientation to teach us about the loan system and fees for different things.  The recent vet preppers then had a pizza social with the last semester vet preppers and were able to get a lot of our questions answered.  I have continually heard about the amount of down time that we have during vet prep, which could be good and bad. My next class of the day was Medical Math and Intro to Pharm again.  Normally after Math we would have Study Skills, but we don't have it this week.  So, after a small break, we then had Physiology again.  Semester Olympics started today, so I decided to go check that out.  Today was soccer but we lost. Each semester gets a different color to wear.  Vet prep is considered part of the first semesters, so our color is orange...I have plenty of that! However, next semester we will be changed to blue....Julia get me some more shirts!

Thursday - According to Fergie, "I be up in the gym just working on my fitness."  I had a new class today, Veterinary Terminology, that only meets once a week.  It seems like it will be a pretty straight forward class.  There was a club fair at lunch today. I signed up for way too many, but who knows how many I will stick with after I go to their first meeting and hear what they have to say.  I signed up for Animal Behavior Club, the Association of Avian Vets, PAWS (even though I technically can't start yet), SCUBA, Veterinary Business Management Association, Zoo, Exotics, and Wildlife Medicine Club, VIDA, VOICE, surgery club, anatomy club, and probably some others that I don't remember.  This afternoon was then filled with Math, Study Skills, and Physiology.  I had Study Skills for the first time today where we basically just talked about the structure of orienation and tried to get to know each other better.  It sounds like that class will just consist of a bunch of speakers on different topics.  Today's semester Olympic sport was kickball, but we did a lot in class, so I wanted to review before tomorrow since I'm sure I won't be doing much reviewing this weekend.

        Here's what we learned in Vet Terms (click the play button):

Friday -  Fridays are my shortest days.  Half of us have Evidence Based Medicine in the morning and the other half have it on Wednesdays.  For the next few weeks, I have it on Wednesdays, so my Fridays are free until 1pm.  In my usual fashion, I was up early for the gym and was able to get some study time in before Microbiology and Physiology.  Today's Olympic sport was flag football, but unfortunately we lost....again  A local dance bar was having a party that a bunch of Ross students went to.  We met a lot of people from the Windsor Medical School, which is also on this island.  Apparently they are crazy partiers, so I'm sure we will be seeing them again.  Our taxi driver on the way home asked us if we wanted some late night food which half of our group did.  "Late night" consists of gas station burgers, fries, and hotdog bun garlic bread.  Overall, we had a fun night though.

This weekend I hope to go to the beach and study somewhat on Saturday.  Saturday night is Mr. RUSVM, which is basically where the guys in each semester compete for best talent or funniest skit.  Then on Sunday is volleyball Olympics (hopefully we will finally win a game!) and more studying.  I don't know how frequent my blog posts will be, but I will try to update you every week with what's happening in my little island bubble!

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