Something crazy/powerful/interesting that I recently discovered..... I was gifted a crystal set back in elementary school, maybe 5th grade, about making crystals and the power of them. I kept the crystals and gemstones that the kit contained. Over the years, whenever I cleaned my house/apartment and went on a purging spree, I always debated about getting rid of them, after all they were just sitting there collecting dust. I was never able to get of them though, something told me to hang onto them. Recently, when I started researching more about the different types of crystals and the power of them, I grabbed those crystals/gemstones and felt them vibrating in my hand....crazy I know, but it's just something you have to experience in order to believe me. It was as I was holding them and reading that I found out they are some of the most powerful crystals/gemstones that you are suppose to own. And here all this time, I just thought they were pretty to look at. The fact that I couldn't get rid of them after all these years, just shows that there was some sort of energetic pull telling me that these are important and that I needed to hang onto them.

Admittedly, I believe in the hamsa/hand of fatima, chakras, the power of incense and aromatherapy, feng shui, most recently crystals, and the energy that surrounds them. Now before some of you roll your eyes and think I'm crazy, here me out. I can talk about the energy around us for days, but I will simplify it as best I can. This isn't some sort of voodoo or witch craft, this isn't even about religion - it's about spirituality and yes there is a difference. Religion is what/who you believe in and spirituality is how you connect, focus your thoughts and ultimately, your energy. You attract what you harness and surround yourself with. Energy is the currency of the universe. When you "pay" attention to something, you "buy" that experience. Be selective in your focus, because your attention feeds the energy of it and keeps it alive. Your energy introduces yourself before you even say a word. Have you ever noticed how exhausting negativity is? Being around negatively or just feeling down - it drains the energy from you. Being positive isn't easy either, but it does take less effort, and makes you feel happier and lighter. Once you have slowed down, paying attention to the way you feel, and become intentional, you will start managing your own vibrations and controlling your point of attraction, therefore, grounding yourself.

You know that gut instinct you get in certain situations? That's the earth's vibrations from its own energy communicating with you. The earth connects with us through grounding energy, which how crystals come into play. Crystals are formed naturally from the earth's core. When we mediate and "ground" ourselves, we are connecting back to our natural state. "You are dust and to dust you shall return." Think of gemstones and crystals as something tangible to focus your positive thoughts into. Harnessing those positive or even negative thoughts/energies into something you can physically see. For example, there is a rose quartz crystal that focuses on love, whether it be self-love or love within relationships. You hold this crystal to mediate, you bring forth that loving energy. The smokey quartz allows you to focus the negative energy you want absorbed and taken away into a crystal, into something you can see and feel. Check out the following link to see a list of all the various gemstones and crystals and their powers:
Ultimate Guide How To Use Healing Crystals
Ok you can roll your eyes at me now ....or maybe try it first and see how much more your mind expands, energy becomes more tangible, and how much more down to earth you start to feel.