Blue banquet:
Cat trip:
There is a phenomenal world renowned photographer (Scoop Anothony) that has been capturing St Kitts life as well as some of the Ross students while he lives down here. I was fortunate enough to have him photograph me around the island on Tuesday and watch him as he worked on Wednesday. I felt a sense of empowerment and inspiration while working with him. In his young age, he has had such a beautiful and passionate life that would humble most people. I very much enjoy his art, I feel he is able to truly capture the emotion and spirit of the person that others don't see. Check out his amazing work on his website: Scoopstills
Blue/Pink BBQ and the Leadership awards dinner are both on Saturday if the hurricane continues to hold off, but unfortunately I have a lot of work to do before finals, so I will have to skip them.
Because this summer has just been way too hot: Sleep In The Heat