Monday was back into the swing of things after my LSU weekend. I started the chicken research project. So what we are testing is the repellent effect of a certain product against lice on poultry. So today we measured out the product to make sure all the chickens are getting the same amount, randomized the chickens so the investigator (Dr. Jennifer Ketzis) doesn't know which chicken gets what, and then set up the room for the chickens. At lunch there was a talk on avian clinical cases that I went to.
Tuesday, the school showed the recording of Kelli and Gavin's House Hunter's International. They were very cute and very entertaining. I then stayed on campus for a while to catch up on the lectures that I missed while at LSU.
On Wednesday, for the chicken research we set up the vitro trial (this is in order to see if the lice on a petri dish are actually staying away from the product or if it affects them at all). The chicken arrived, so we did vet checks on all of them, weighed them, tagged them, harvested lice from one chicken and treated that one chicken. The treatment of the chicken consists of spraying them with the product, washing it off, then drying the chicken. We then set up the lice in the Petri dishes. Every few hour we had to go check the chicken to see if there were any skin reactions from the product.
Thursday we treated two chickens (spray, wash, dry) and feed/water them and checked them for reactions.
On Friday night after volleyball, I will feed/water, check the temperature in the room, and check for skin reactions on the chickens. Some friends are having a big party at their house, so I will hang out there for a little while.
Saturday is a long day for the research. At 7am, we will check all the chickens, feed/water them, then do lice counts on each of them. We will treat the last three chickens and check for the start of exposure. We will then do lice counts every two hours.
Sunday - Happy Easter! Thanks for the Easter goodies mom! A few of us are going to brunch at Carambola. That evening, I will check the chickens, feed/water them, check the room temperature, and check for skin reactions. The chickens will then be euthanized on Monday for the anatomy lab.
LSU Student Conference
This past weekend:
Adoption day where we only had one adoption, but two adoptions before Saturday for a total of three at adoptions (even though two were foster failures, we still love it!). The kittens that I had all week were given to their new foster, so is already in love with them.
My first two open water dives for scuba! The first dive was at River Tar where we just swam around and saw a shipwreck and the other dive was at Harbor Reef where we practiced some skills. We were at a maximum of 40 feet for 40 minutes!
Then the rest of the weekend I spent studying. Sadly, no St. Patrick's Day celebrations or green beer for me. :(
Monday was my Physio exam which I was very worried about, but my all studying paid off! I also meet with a research professor about chicken research. I will explain more about it when I start getting into it. It's only next week and is time consuming. I'm excited to be a part of it and gain more research though! Alex and I then went to the beach to celebrate a late St Patty's day!
Tuesday, we had a two hour physio class. I also finished packing for my trip to the LSU SAVMA student conference for the rest of the week! The best part is my parents will be there too!
There was no physio class on Wednesday, so I ran a few errands before my trip. I had a flight to Miami, then New Orleans, then a one hour drive to Baton Rouge. Yay to being state side!
Thursday there was an international breakfast where I met some great people. I registered for the symposium and was able to gets tons of free stuff! We walked around a little bit and hit up the mall! That night, there was the opening ceremony and a tailgate at tiger stadium! A few of us then went out afterward to explore the Baton Rouge night life!
Friday morning I went on the LSU vet school tour to see if I want to go there for clinics. I was then able to attend a lecture on how to pick a good practice to work and lunch was provided. I attended a bunch more lectures that afternoon. That night was a crawfish boil and a band came and played. We then went out to explore some more LSU night life!
Saturday I had more lectures in the morning about communication and finding the right job. That afternoon I met Mike the tiger and had a alligator wetlab! We were able to learn how to handle them, draw blood, intubate, and pass a gastric tube, then we did a necropsy on them afterwards. Too fun! It was also the farewell/closing ceremony. There was a great movitational and inspiring speaker Lance Fox and some awards were given out. Ross' very own Dr. Stewart won the Community Outreach Award for her sea turtle project!
This past weekend I had some beach time and I also went and saw the Oz movie. I also went and picked up two kittens that we are bringing into the PAWS program.
I got to see this sailboat this weekend! Too cool! Maltese Falcon
On Tuesday, I received a travel journal that started with a third grade girl in FL. I'm so excited to be a part of it for her! Now to figure out who to send it to...hmmm...
I registered for classes for next semester on Wednesday. I will be taking virology, bacteriology, pharmacology, pathology, and animal behavior. The end of the semester cannot come soon enough! 34 days!
Thursday, I went to the post office to mail the travel journal. It was a very different experience, since the post office doesn't sell mailing supplies, just stamps. I also got a package from Laura full of yummy treats and a cute frame/poster! I then had donkey research that night.
Friday was volleyball and studying for Monday's exam.
This weekend is our last adoption day of the semester, let's hope someone finds a home! I won't be able to go to the adoption day though because I will be at scuba on our first ocean dive! Wish me luck!
Crazy pic of sea turtle found in St. Kitts:
Need an excuse to visit me? 5 destinations for spring break getaway
I got to see this sailboat this weekend! Too cool! Maltese Falcon
On Tuesday, I received a travel journal that started with a third grade girl in FL. I'm so excited to be a part of it for her! Now to figure out who to send it to...hmmm...
I registered for classes for next semester on Wednesday. I will be taking virology, bacteriology, pharmacology, pathology, and animal behavior. The end of the semester cannot come soon enough! 34 days!
Thursday, I went to the post office to mail the travel journal. It was a very different experience, since the post office doesn't sell mailing supplies, just stamps. I also got a package from Laura full of yummy treats and a cute frame/poster! I then had donkey research that night.
Friday was volleyball and studying for Monday's exam.
This weekend is our last adoption day of the semester, let's hope someone finds a home! I won't be able to go to the adoption day though because I will be at scuba on our first ocean dive! Wish me luck!
Crazy pic of sea turtle found in St. Kitts:
Need an excuse to visit me? 5 destinations for spring break getaway
This past weekend, we won at volleyball! Saturday was the flip cup/ beer pong tournament that we lost at in the first round.
On Sunday, Jess and I took our friend Ali's dog to the beach while she was on campus.
We apparently had some whale visitors over the weekend. I stole this video from a facebook friend. Whale video
On Monday, I woke up with a sore throat. I'm wondering if it's all the burning they have been doing around the island and leaving an awful smell in the air. The air is so thick, it feels like it's hard to breathe as well. There were Shish Kabobs on sale for lunch through the surgery club, so of course I had to buy one. Yum!
Tuesday I did a little bit of studying, but mostly just watched belly dancing videos all day. I miss it! I love this video here. This girl was on The Belly dance project and danced this song at a hafla in Charlotte with my instructor. Considering I'm in the Caribbean, pretty sure I need to learn this belly dance and reggaeton combo. Shaketon A few of us also went out to Latin night for some dancing. After watching belly dancing videos all day, I was definitely wanting to dance!
Wednesday, we had a PAWS meeting, but it wasn't very productive. The burning has been continued all week to the point that we can't keep our windows open anymore and it's always at night when I want to relax. I don't know if they are burning the landfill or the cane fields, but either way it cannot be good for our health here.
Thursday my heart and thoughts were back home with one of my best friends. I love you and am here for you.
I wasn't able to go to volleyball on Friday because I had donkey research at the same time. I found this on Facebook today and thought it was interesting because this is what we always look for on Fridays during volleyball! Green Flash
This weekend, I have donkey research in the morning, maybe a hike, and two kittens to pick up for PAWS.
Stressed Out
On Sunday, Jess and I took our friend Ali's dog to the beach while she was on campus.
We apparently had some whale visitors over the weekend. I stole this video from a facebook friend. Whale video
On Monday, I woke up with a sore throat. I'm wondering if it's all the burning they have been doing around the island and leaving an awful smell in the air. The air is so thick, it feels like it's hard to breathe as well. There were Shish Kabobs on sale for lunch through the surgery club, so of course I had to buy one. Yum!
Tuesday I did a little bit of studying, but mostly just watched belly dancing videos all day. I miss it! I love this video here. This girl was on The Belly dance project and danced this song at a hafla in Charlotte with my instructor. Considering I'm in the Caribbean, pretty sure I need to learn this belly dance and reggaeton combo. Shaketon A few of us also went out to Latin night for some dancing. After watching belly dancing videos all day, I was definitely wanting to dance!
Wednesday, we had a PAWS meeting, but it wasn't very productive. The burning has been continued all week to the point that we can't keep our windows open anymore and it's always at night when I want to relax. I don't know if they are burning the landfill or the cane fields, but either way it cannot be good for our health here.
Thursday my heart and thoughts were back home with one of my best friends. I love you and am here for you.
I wasn't able to go to volleyball on Friday because I had donkey research at the same time. I found this on Facebook today and thought it was interesting because this is what we always look for on Fridays during volleyball! Green Flash
This weekend, I have donkey research in the morning, maybe a hike, and two kittens to pick up for PAWS.
Stressed Out
Midsemester Break
Friday: Rum Run
Saturday: I had my first scuba pool session. It was scary but fun too. We had to learn how to breathe with the regulator, take it out and put it back in underwater, take our mask off and put it back on underwater, learn how to float in the water, put our gear on in the water, and buddy breathe (where you put your buddy's extra regulator in your mouth underwater). Next dive will be in the ocean, which is even scarier!
Sunday: Catamaran trip!
Monday was midsemester break, so we had the day off from school. Sunday night I got a flat tire, so I spend Monday getting that fixed. While I was driving, I realized they didn't tighten one of the tires enough, so I had the pleasure of doing that when I got home. I then spend some time at the pool and had a cookout with some friends.
Tuesday I just spent my day catching back up on school work. I've had to switch foster homes for 5 of PAWS' cats, so I've been dealing with a lot of emails about that.
Wednesday there was a town hall meeting for the school to go over the changes the are going to put in place. They are trying to improve the school, which of course is always good. Here's a list of what they are doing in order to reduce the attrition rates by 5%:
1) Final exams will no longer be worth more than 50%. For midterm exams in general, they will do their best to space out exams appropriately.
2) For first semester students, they are now allowed to come back and repeat if they fail two courses. This is because students are still getting used to the island and living in a different environment.
3) To increase the NAVLE passing rate (currently is at 97%, which is a little below average compared to US schools), 7th semesters are now given vouchers to take the NAVLE exam to get a feel for the types of questions and length of the exam. A minimum of 80% passing rate is needed to maintain accreditation at Ross.
4) There will be well defined learning objectives for all courses.
5) To be decided by administration today: for the beginning of both 5th and 6th semesters, they will be allowed to take the PAVE exam (this used to be the old exam that Rossies had to take at the end of clinical year before the school received accreditation). This will not be given for a grade but as a diagnostic exam to see where the student stands at this point and how well the professors are teaching.
6) According to the administration, in response to a question, the class sizes have plateaued and will not be getting any larger.
Other improvements to be completed later this year:
1) Gazebos are being built on the lawn in front of the student union. In addition, more tables and umbrellas will soon be placed at the bottom of the lawn.
2) The patio area by clinical skills has been completed. Additional tables and chairs will be placed there for more seating/study areas.
3) The new diagnostic imaging lab is well underway.
4) Classroom 4 is currently being built into new facilities offices and will also have additional break out rooms.
5) The East Parking Lot guard gate is being moved to the outside of the parking lot (will increase security).
6) 10 new permanent seats are being added to Upper Aud.
To be completed by January 2015:
1) The new student union: aerobics room, a gaming/pool table area with TV and couches, coffee area, more break out rooms.
2) Moving the mechanics facility out to the back corner of the East Parking Lot.
Thursday wasn't very eventful, although I did see the American Kestrel that I've been looking for at our apartment. A group of us went to see Identify Thief.
On Friday, I ran errands, checked on the shorebirds for nest, went to volleyball, and helped with the donkey research.
This weekend, I will probably catch up on some more school work. There is a flipcup/beer pong tournament that Gavin, Kelli, Amanda, and I are going to be a team for on Saturday. Maybe some beach or pool time sometime this weekend as well!
Saturday: I had my first scuba pool session. It was scary but fun too. We had to learn how to breathe with the regulator, take it out and put it back in underwater, take our mask off and put it back on underwater, learn how to float in the water, put our gear on in the water, and buddy breathe (where you put your buddy's extra regulator in your mouth underwater). Next dive will be in the ocean, which is even scarier!
Sunday: Catamaran trip!
Monday was midsemester break, so we had the day off from school. Sunday night I got a flat tire, so I spend Monday getting that fixed. While I was driving, I realized they didn't tighten one of the tires enough, so I had the pleasure of doing that when I got home. I then spend some time at the pool and had a cookout with some friends.
Tuesday I just spent my day catching back up on school work. I've had to switch foster homes for 5 of PAWS' cats, so I've been dealing with a lot of emails about that.
Wednesday there was a town hall meeting for the school to go over the changes the are going to put in place. They are trying to improve the school, which of course is always good. Here's a list of what they are doing in order to reduce the attrition rates by 5%:
1) Final exams will no longer be worth more than 50%. For midterm exams in general, they will do their best to space out exams appropriately.
2) For first semester students, they are now allowed to come back and repeat if they fail two courses. This is because students are still getting used to the island and living in a different environment.
3) To increase the NAVLE passing rate (currently is at 97%, which is a little below average compared to US schools), 7th semesters are now given vouchers to take the NAVLE exam to get a feel for the types of questions and length of the exam. A minimum of 80% passing rate is needed to maintain accreditation at Ross.
4) There will be well defined learning objectives for all courses.
5) To be decided by administration today: for the beginning of both 5th and 6th semesters, they will be allowed to take the PAVE exam (this used to be the old exam that Rossies had to take at the end of clinical year before the school received accreditation). This will not be given for a grade but as a diagnostic exam to see where the student stands at this point and how well the professors are teaching.
6) According to the administration, in response to a question, the class sizes have plateaued and will not be getting any larger.
Other improvements to be completed later this year:
1) Gazebos are being built on the lawn in front of the student union. In addition, more tables and umbrellas will soon be placed at the bottom of the lawn.
2) The patio area by clinical skills has been completed. Additional tables and chairs will be placed there for more seating/study areas.
3) The new diagnostic imaging lab is well underway.
4) Classroom 4 is currently being built into new facilities offices and will also have additional break out rooms.
5) The East Parking Lot guard gate is being moved to the outside of the parking lot (will increase security).
6) 10 new permanent seats are being added to Upper Aud.
To be completed by January 2015:
1) The new student union: aerobics room, a gaming/pool table area with TV and couches, coffee area, more break out rooms.
2) Moving the mechanics facility out to the back corner of the East Parking Lot.
Thursday wasn't very eventful, although I did see the American Kestrel that I've been looking for at our apartment. A group of us went to see Identify Thief.
On Friday, I ran errands, checked on the shorebirds for nest, went to volleyball, and helped with the donkey research.
This weekend, I will probably catch up on some more school work. There is a flipcup/beer pong tournament that Gavin, Kelli, Amanda, and I are going to be a team for on Saturday. Maybe some beach or pool time sometime this weekend as well!
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