10 days!

So this last month has been crunch time!  I’m tying up all loose ends and making sure everything is ready for me to leave.  I finally received my blood work and health paperwork that I’ve been waiting on for the past two months, paid the first payment for school (this is officially happening, so no backing out now),  called my bank and credit card companies, bought everything that I need to bring with me, got everything together for my visa,  and bought everyone’s Christmas gifts.   School hasn't even started and I'm already broke because of Christmas and buying everything for school.   

Take note: Moving around the holidays is not a good idea!  Because of the holidays and the embargo overseas, I am only allowed two checked backs, one carry on, and one personal item.  Of course, if I want to pay $100 for each checked bag between 50 - 70lbs I can do so.....everything always costs money.  So I'm currently experiencing the effects of "being a girl" and having way too much to pack and not enough spaces to put it in.  I broke one of my suitcases trying to pack everything in it and had to go out and buy another.  I actually ended up buying two because the suitcase I bought could fit more than my current suitcases.  So, currently I am at 70lbs each for the suitcase, plus a very heavy carry-on and backpack.  I could have shipped some items down for an additional $200, but I was determined to fit everything I needed, since I’m already paying $200 for both checked bags being over 50lbs.  Wow....

I also received my first semester schedule: 

I think I can finally relax and enjoy the holidays until of course New Year’s Eve where I will be making sure everything is complete, so I can board the plane New Year’s Day.  I hope everyone has a relaxing holiday!

One Month To Go

Well it's actually more like 25 days.....wow....where did that time go?  My lists have been getting smaller and smaller and I'm seeming less and less overwhelmed and a little more excited.  A lot has happened since my last post that I don't even know where to begin.  So yes, this entry will be long, but it's full of pictures!

It has been a bittersweet month, full of a lot of last days.  I had my last day of CRC (Carolina Raptor Center). I have very much enjoyed volunteering and getting to know everyone there.  It has been a truly incredible and rewarding experience working and handling each of the birds.  I seen things that have appalled me (ducted taped hawk) and things that have touched me (birds that get to be released).  I am definitely considering working with birds of prey in the future.  I also had my last day of dance....sigh.  I've been belly dancing since 2003, with breaks in between to go to Virginia Tech.  I have learned from several different teachers (Yasmine, Nayna, Iona, Sarah) as well as different styles of belly dance (cabaret, fusion, ATS, Egyptian)  I have learned so much and have got to the level of dance I want to be.  My dance girls have become such a big part of my life that I'm going to miss them tremulously.  I can only hope that I dance with them again in the future.  Don't get me wrong....I am bringing AT LEAST one dance outfit with me (you never know) and I am asking for Fat Chance Belly dance DVDs for Christmas (hint Mom)!  The other last was my last day of work at Indian Land Animal Hospital.  I have become so comfortable and so close with those girls that they are seriously my second family.  I miss each and every one of them already.

I got a nice little vacation and went up to Corning, NY with the boyfriend and his family where we did a wine tasting trip.  I bought some Christmas presents and some gifts for myself :)
The next week, I got a even bigger vacation, when my whole immediate family took a trip to St. Kitt's to visit Ross University!  The views, of course, were amazing!  You can see the entire island when you land and take off.  It is crazy to think I will be living there for 2 1/2 years in less than a month. We arrived on Wednesday night at the Marriott Beach Club and went to the Blue Seafood Restaurant.  Here is a picture of the Marriott:

  We were warned ahead of time, that we are on "island time" and need to "chilax".  Our meal (which is not unusual) took a total of 2 hours with the food being very spread apart, but it was very good. On Thursday (Thanksgiving) we got a tour of the school and as well as a small one of the island.  I was unfairly comparing the school to Virginia Tech, but I am more excited to go to school there.  I wasn't able to take a lot of picture of the campus, but here's what I could take:

I was able to see a similar room that I will be staying in, which gave me a better idea of what I need to pack (much lighter).  We were able to meet with Financial Aid, one of the deans, sit in on a first semester class (mircoantamony) and eat at one of the school restaurants, Rituals Coffee.  It has everything from sandwiches, wraps, smoothies, salads, to even (surprise!) coffee.  We then were taken on a car ride of where the off-campus housing was and they are gorgeous! Here are some:

That night, we had the opportunity to have a Thanksgiving meal at the restaurant, but we opted for a less traditional one at the local bar, Shiggity Shack with rum punch and Lazombe (fire eater/dancer):

On Friday, we got the complete island tour with the best taxi driver Mr. Rodgers! The entire trip around the island, with stops, took 3 hours.  We visited Brimstone Fortress Hill, the drunken tree, the black rocks, Bloody Point, and the Caribelle Batik.  We even tasted some sugar cane and coconut water:

For lunch, we went to Rituals Coffee again near the hotel.  We then briefly sat out at the beach and experienced the amazingly warm 85 degree weather. For dinner, we went to the Royal Grill Steakhouse, which is at the Marriott.  We experienced an extremely rude family next to our table that did nothing but complain the entire time about the entire meal (they ordered Mac&Cheese at a steakhouse...who does that?!)  They really made Americans look awful and we all really wanted to say something to them.  We had check out on Saturday, so we had a brunch at Calypso Restaurant and spent the rest of our time at the beach, and Port Zante (for souvenirs of course) until our flight back home.

For school, in the last month, I had to take the MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator), fill out a immigration form, write a personal paragraph for our professor to read, received my orientation group and my island cell phone number!  My orientation group is all girls and I've already Facebook-friended all of them.  They are from all over (Florida, Tennessee, Indiana, Texas, Massachusetts,   Alabama, and New York) so I am very excited to get to know them better.  All the forms for the school are done, so now I just have to concentrate on my packing.
Still so much to do and buy before I leave, but for now I'm taking a mental break and spending about two weeks in DC with my boyfriend and visiting friends.  Don't get me wrong though, I still have my Christmas list and to do list that I'm doing while "vegging" here.  Wish me luck that I get everything done without completely stressing!  I will blog more updates as the countdown gets closer!


Still feeling incredibly overwhelmed.  I have several "lists" going at the moment, including to do  before I leave, to buy for school, to buy for Christmas gifts, my personal Christmas list, and so on. Every day I just about 10 new things to each of those lists.  When I'm not doing something/anything regarding getting ready for school, I'm literally pacing thinking that I'm forgetting to do something.  I still wake up in the middle of the night thinking about things to add to my lists.  Every blog I read written by students that are/have already gone through this, is only making matters worse.  I thought reading them would be helpful, and in a sense they are, but they are also stressing me out more with telling me new "helpful" hints and things to pack.

So as if I don't have enough lists already, I have come up with a new list.  This is my List of Things That Have Taken Over My Mind:

1) Mom is bugging me with questions that I don't have the answers to, and about having a goodbye party, which I don't really don't have time for.  Sadly, my calender is pretty much filled every day until I leave. She also wants me to go on a trip with her and my dad this weekend.  I rather stay here and get more "stuff" done.

2) Suitcases are packed for when I visit St. Kitts over Thanksgiving.  I'm worried that I'm bringing too much stuff, but then again, this is what all the current students are telling me to bring.  Currently in three suitcases I have toiletries, some school supplies, first aid supplies, some kitchen supplies, towels, and bed sheets/comforter.  I will bring all my clothes and decorating items when I leave in December.  I have also started packing for my DC/NY trip, and the St. Kitts trip.  I feel like I will be living out of suitcases for the next two months with all the trips I will be going on (DC/NY, St. Kitts, and DC again).

3) Of course, I cannot forget that Christmas is right around the corner.  Having to think of gifts on top of packing is not easy.  I have no idea what to get anyone, nor do I have any money.  Love this time of year.....

4) My boyfriend is in my every thought of my every day.  I am constantly worried about him and how he's handling all of this change.    I also feel like I wouldn't be as overwhelmed and stressed out if he was here helping me.

5)  I've been an awful friend, especially to my long distance friends.  Sorry girls!! I love you and miss you so much, but my mind is literally all over the place right now, so please forgive me.  I do plan on seeing each and every one of you before I leave however so keep your calender open!

6) My list of things to do before I leave is probably the longest.  It includes getting a haircut, getting my TMJ night guard, getting my new glasses, last day of the Carolina Raptor Center note and snack, last day of dance snack, last day of work snack, pack for all my trips, get Christmas presents, finishing my scrapbooks, finishing my T-Shirt quilt, selling my old stuff on Ebay/Craig's List, etc.  I think I will add get a MASSAGE to this list as well.

It has been so hard to take one day at a time lately especially since I'm planning weeks in advance.  Our power went out the other day for 7 hours and I was so lost.  I had to get on the internet because I had so much to do!  I really think it was God's way of telling me to slow down.  All I did that night was read and try to relax since I wasn't able to do anything else.  Church service today had to do with God taking, breaking, and blessing us. (He takes the bread, blesses it, breaks it, and gives it out).  It was incredibly powerful and helped put my mind at ease.  I have to keep remembering that he isn't going to give me or take me anywhere that Him and I can't handle together.

2 months closer....

Since my last post, I've been getting more emails from the school and getting more forms filled out.
I have filled out my bank application and starting to look into loans.

I have found out where I will be living: Columbus.  I'm hoping it will have an ocean view, but if it doesn't I can just walk outside!  Here is a picture of the outside:

I've been getting more packing done, which now just consists of putting everything in a big pile of what I won't need for the next 2 months.  Since my family going to visit the school over Thanksgiving, I need to figure out 2-3 suitcases full of stuff that I can store down there until I move in.
Here's what my pile looks like so far:

I also finally got my health certificate finished today with a trip to the doctors office, just in time for the deadline.  I needed the doctor to fill out a form, along with getting a Rabies and Hepatitis B titer, RDR test, and just some blood work for my own benefit.  I will be getting dropped from my parents insurance in February, so I basically need to get as much as possible done now.

My TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorder) has been acting up for the last two weeks and I haven't had the best night's sleeps.  I'm always waking up thinking of things to put on my packing list or things I need to do before I leave.  The stress is outweighing the excitement at this point.

Since everyone else I know had posted a countdown, mine is in the corner!

Let's See How This Goes

So this is my first time ever writing a blog.  Frankly, I don't think I have enough exciting things to write a complete blog, but I figured this was a great way to keep my family and friends informed of my Caribbean/Vet School adventures.

Let's start at the beginning.....I always knew I wanted to do something with animals and I've always had a fascination with medicine (sounds like my interview answer), so wanting to become a veterinarian just followed.  My grades were fine in undergraduate, but I didn't realize I would be retaking classes and waiting years to get into vet school.  After celebrating my freedom and independence at Virginia Tech, I had to move back home in order to fall into the "real world."  I got a job at an animal clinic where I was suppose to be the main veterinary assistant and long story short......that place did not work out.  I then found another great position at a different animal hospital where I already knew some of the doctors and the other employees were amazing.  I couldn't have asked for better people to work and grow with, but sadly I knew I wasn't going to be there forever.

Application after application, I applied to numerous veterinary schools with the hopes of getting in.  I didn't really care where I went, as long as I got in...who am I kidding, my fingers were crossed for Virginia Tech the whole time.  After 2 years of rejection letters, I finally decided to set my sites further.  Ross University is an accelerated program, which means that I would be graduating in 3 years instead of the usual 4 years.  Great news, right?!  It's only 1657 miles away from Charlotte and 1719 from my boyfriend.....not so great news.   Caribbean island, perfect temperatures year round, ocean views...........miles away from family, friends, my dog, Bucca di Pepo, and Walmart...... .I applied anyway.  A few months later I heard the news that I got an interview!  I hadn't even made it that far in any of the application processes before, so I was excited, and of course nervous.  I studied tons of interview questions, rehearsed all my answers, and was surprisingly incredibly comfortable and myself.  A few months after that, I got the call while at work that I was ACCEPTED.

Now here I am, getting email after email of everything I need to do to prepare to move to a tropical island in less than 3 months.  The Ross Facebook group has helped answer a bunch of questions that I've had and help me realize I'm not the only one freaking out.  I've already "met" a lot of friends I'm hoping that I will become fast friends with.  I still haven't figure out if I'm excited or just scarred out of my mind....pretty sure it's the latter.  I'm slowly putting stuff off to the side that I won't be needing for the next couple of months in anticipation of leaving.  I've also read several blogs from students that are currently students at Ross University (pretty much where I got inspiration for this) to help prepare myself even further.  Still so much to do.


I have been complimented by coworkers on how I manage my work-life balance. It's extremely important in my field to understand and enfor...